Journal of Comprehensible Results

P Bhoopathi, N Lee, A Pradhan, X Shen, S Das, D Sarkar, L Emdad, P Fisher (2016)
mda-7/IL-24 Induces Cell Death in Neuroblastoma
through a Novel Mechanism Involving AIF and ATM
Cancer Research, June 2016 76:12

(Translated by Krishna Karamsetty)

Experiment: Experiment 1 - Cancer-terminating virus containing MDA-7 inhibits neuroblastoma cell growth

This experiment was done to demonstrate that the cancer-terminating virus containing MDA-7 was successfully stopping further neuroblastoma cell growth. Each of one the procedures were done three times in different cells linesCells grown from a singular cell therefore having the same genetic structure which produced the same results. E1A which is one of the proteins that the scientists are looking for, is a gene inside a specific kind of virus. E1A is the gene that allows that virus to replicate inside cells.
For Figure 1A, neuroblastoma cells in petri dishes were either infected with no viruses, the viruses that cannot replicate, the viruses that can replicate but, in all cells, regardless of cancer, and the viruses that can replicate only in cancer cells for 72 hours. The lysateA collection of dead cells was collected and were run through Western Blot and blotted with antibodies that interact primarily with MDA-7 and the replicating gene (E1A) as well as beta-actin. The first row shows that only the cells that were infected with the virus with all the parts has a band corresponding with MDA-7. The second row shows that only the cells that were infected with the viruses with the replicating gene have a corresponding band. Finally, since all cells, regardless of cancer or not, have beta-actin, every category has a band. If a band is present for MDA-7 or the replicating gene, it indicates that the virus has infected the cell with the desired gene and that the cells were successfully killed.
Figure 1A
For Figure 1B, the neuroblastoma cells were infected the same was as 1A and run through an MTT Assay to measure cell growth. In the beginning, all the neuroblastoma cells started off the same as indicated at 24h. However as time goes on, the cells exposed to the virus with all the cancer killing parts start to die off as indicated by the decline in the growth of the cells at 48h, 72h and finally 96h.
Figure 1B