Journal of Comprehensible Results

Padmanabha D, Padilla PA, You Y, Baker KD (2015)
A HIF-Independent Mediator of Transcriptional Responses to Oxygen
by Deprivation in Caenorhabditis Elegans
Genetics, Vol. 199, 739-748

(Translated by Emaan Chaudry)

Future Investigations

The finding of three HIF-1 independent mediators and understanding part of the mechanism behind blmp-1 was the significance of this paper. However, future investigations are important. The confirmation of the three transcription factors that affect the aid in the expression of the F45D3.4 gene was confirmed through the use of RNAi. While this result was of great significance, this method is only useful for the positive results (identification of the three genes). The negative results however (the rest of the genes) do not tell us anything about their effects on the F45D3.4 gene. Alternative approaches might aid in identifying the roles of these factors. This can be done, for example, through RT-PCR. This method will confirm if the RNAi construct actually did knock down the message levels of the other transcription factors.

Further, this paper looked at the expression of the F45D3.4 gene, however non-HIF-mediated hypoxic responses is not limited to just F45D3.4 expression. Therefore, investigations on other genes might be of importance as well, and should be investigated further. Additionally, after completing research on round worms, it would be interesting to see if the mammalian equivalent of round worms blmp-1 has similarly important roles in their response to hypoxia. Research on this subject has not been completed, however there is an opportunity for further investigation. Understanding this hypoxic response in a simple model such as a round worm should serve as a good starting point to complete these investigations.