Journal of Comprehensible Results

Padmanabha D, Padilla PA, You Y, Baker KD (2015)
A HIF-Independent Mediator of Transcriptional Responses to Oxygen
by Deprivation in Caenorhabditis Elegans
Genetics, Vol. 199, 739-748

(Translated by Emaan Chaudry)

The finding of a HIF-1 Independent Mediator

Understanding the ways in which organisms adapt to environmental changes is of importance as it provides us with insight as to how they can avoid detrimental consequences. This paper looked at how round worms adapt to low oxygen conditions. It has been previously determined that a big part of the way in which round worms adapt is through the HIF-1 pathway. However, it was found that not all responses to hypoxia could be explained by this pathway. This paper was able to identify one of the transcriptional responses that allows these organisms to respond to hypoxic conditions, independently of the HIF-1 pathway through the use of RNAi (see support pages for further details). Not only were the investigators able to find that the transcription factors tbx-38, lin-40, and blmp-1 are HIF-1 independent mediators, they also completed further experiments on the mechanism behind blmp-1 and how it functions. It was found that under hypoxic conditions, when blmp-1 is active, there is an increase in histone acetylation at the F45D3.4 promoter. This was an important result because understanding the mechanism behind how this transcription factor functions can lead to further understanding HIF-1 independent mediators.