Journal of Comprehensible Results

Wuchty et al. (2017)
The Protein Interactome of Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Bacterial Meta-interactomes Improve Function Predictions.
mSystems 2:1-10

(Translated by Karun Rajesh)


S. pneumoniae can cause many types of illnesses with many of these illnesses being life-threatening (bloodstream infections, pneumonia, meningitis, ear infections, etc.). Almost a third of the proteins’ functions in S. pneumoniae; however, are unknown.

To find these proteins' function, a yeast-2-hybrid approach would be the traditional approach. A yeast-2-hybrid approach, unfortunately, often does not lead to the characterization of many of these unknown proteins. In order to characterize a majority of these unknown proteins' functions, another method should be used on top of the yeast-2-hybrid to produce the highest percentage of characterization as possible. Wuchty et al. (2017) utilize a bacterial meta-interactome with other well-studied bacteria to characterize these unknown protein functions.


Fig 1: 3D Protein Structure of S. pneumoniae obtained from RCSB PDB.