
The Vision

The Importance of Retail Investors

Timing and Wave Theory

News Release Flow-through

Key Message Strategy/ Pre-testing

Key Message Coherence

About Us

Our Service

IPRN System



About Us

Through Chang Martin LLC, Dr. Ernest Martin's mission is to provide consultation services to companies regarding their strategic financial PR needs with special focus on timing.  The greatest value of our consultancy is to help companies maximize their potential by providing real-time information and advice.

Dr. Ernie Martin.jpg (86171 bytes)Dr. Martin, has been involved in qualitative and quantitative research for over 30 years. 

His research has been at the leading edge of strategic public relations practice, developing evaluative measures and metrics to help real-time dashboard monitoring of the impact of public relations programs.

His Ph.D. and master’s degrees are from The University of Missouri – Columbia. Martin has published over 20 books, book chapters and journal articles.

Additional information is available here.

Contact :

Ernest Martin, Ph.D.
School of Mass Communictions
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842034
Richmond, VA 23284-2034
(804) 827-3759
