
The Vision

The Importance of Retail Investors

Timing and Wave Theory

News Release Flow-through

Key Message Strategy/ Pre-testing

Key Message Coherence

About Us

Our Service

IPRN System



Our IPRN System

Click here for a slide show with audio “IPRN Components and Process” 7’ 36”after launching the program, click "slide show" in the lower right corner of the window.

Click here for powerpoint with notes of "IPRN Components and Process"


This system helps corporations to initiate and manage campaigns via traditional and online media that are appropriately targeted, timed, measured and evaluated. We call the system “navigator” because it is like the navigator used by ocean liners or aircraft to steer their courses -- collecting information from the environment, making assessment of the situation, and giving directions which lead the vessel to the destination through the quickest and safest course. 


Contact :

Ernest Martin, Ph.D.
School of Mass Communictions
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842034
Richmond, VA 23284-2034
(804) 827-3759
