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The Importance of Retail Investors

Timing and Wave Theory

News Release Flow-through

Key Message Strategy/ Pre-testing

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The Importance of Retail Investors

Click here for a slide show with audio “The Need for Retail Investor PR” 7’ 28” after launching the program, click "slide show" in the lower right corner of the window.

Click here for the powerpoint presentation with notes “The Need for Retail Investor PR”

Retail Investor Public Relations?   Why should the publicly traded companies care?

Two major groups of investors of the publicly traded companies are the institutional investors and the retail investors.   Undoubtedly, the institutional investors are the major players of the market.  With 60%-80% of the capital of the companies in the hands of a few hundreds, it is not difficult to understand why the majority of the PR effort is directed toward this group.

Can companies totally disregard retail investors?  Only if there is no concern with …

Opportunity Lost

At certain times, retail investors are primed. With an appropriately timed and executed retail investor program, a company can benefit from a strong and powerful wave.

Read on for the research showing that when retail investors are on board, they can add substantially to a rally.  Who would not want this additional profit?    Who would not want to maximize the gain for the opportunity?  Add cost effective retail investor public relations to the existing Investor Relations program.

The Importance of Retail Investors
Timing and Wave Theory
News Release Flow-through
Key Message Strategy/Pre-testing
Key Message Coherence

IPRN System

Ernest Martin, Ph.D.