The motivation behind this experiment was to test whether proteins are still being folded properly in the WT VAPA and WT VAPB. and whether their diffusion changes due to VAPA/VAPB.
GFP and I14 anti-bodies are used as they bind to properly folded VSVG
Steps for Time Course Immunofluorescence
1. Cells are incubated at 42C for 6 hours to trap VSVG
2. Shift temperature to 32C
3. Flag anti-bodies are attached to the beginning of the proteins of interest (GFP and I14)
Steps from Immunofluorescence experiment
4. Image by confocal microscopy at 0 min and 30 min
Trapped folded VSVG is still present in the ER for VAPA WT
Allows us to rule out VAPs effect on protein folding
Normal folding leaving the ER/Golgi in control and VAPB WT