Study Guide - Exam I I

  1. Know your anatomy - link
    1. (SPECT) Short, vertical long, and horizontal long axises
    2. Polar map - Bulls Eye - link
      1. Label the maps
      2. Process the polar map
      3. Compare the walls of the myocardium to the coronary arteries that supply blood to associated wall
      4. Understand the 17 segment polar map
      5. Explain summed scores - link
  2. Making of an artifact - link
      1. Effects of system/imaging failure
    1. Patient artifacts
      1. Breast
      2. Lateral fat
      3. Diaphragm
      4. Pt movement
      5. Gut activity
    1. Methods to detect patient motion
      1. Raw data
      2. Linograms
      3. Sinograms
    2. Excessive R-wave
      1. Detection
      2. Correction
    3. Imaging dextrocardia
    4. Excessive gut uptake
    5. Effects of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  3. Evolution of MPI - PPT download
  4. A little history - rectilinear scanner
  5. Compartment modeling of MBF kinetics
    1. Two Model
    2. Three Model (retention)
  6. Standard approach
    1. Treadmill
    2. Pharmacological
    3. Compare
  7. Improvement of quantitative data
    1. Current technology
    2. MBF and MFR
    3. Components required to improve myocardial disease detection
      1. Instrumentation
      2. Radiopharmaceutical
  8. Assess the types of radiopharmaceuticals used in MPI
  9. Positron radiopharmaceutical
    1. Compare
    2. How far does a beta particle travel
      1. How does this effect resolution
  10. Detection of CAD
    1. Parameters that reduce the effectiveness of CAD detection
    2. Compare planar, SPECT, treadmill, and pharmacology detection
    3. Referral bias and Bayes Theorem
    4. Prognosis
      1. Patients with disease
      2. Patients without disease

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