Journal of Comprehensible Results

Wuchty, S., Rajagopala, S. V., Blazie, S. M., Parrish, J. R., Khuri, S., Finley, R. L., & Uetz, P. (2017).
The Protein Interactome of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacterial
meta-interactomes Improve Function Predictions
DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00019-17

Translated by Farhana Khan



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Proteins are biomolecules that are composed with various combinations of amino acid chains. Different amino acid combinations will result in different types of proteins with different and contrasting functions. Networks of these proteins work as a system, to simply get a job done (within an organism). A network of proteins will have relationships between these proteins (protein-protein interactions) that will ultimately form a distinct biological complex. An example of this would be the disease that the article focuses on, Pneumococcal disease. This disease definitely includes multiple protein networks that ultimately have different responsibilities in infection, mutations, spreading of symptoms, etc.

It is important to observe the protein networks of any given cell (whether bacterial or not) as these networks can show specifics on the different functions and relationships between proteins in a given cell. Examples of these functions include replication, translation, nucleotide transport, etc.

The image to the right is a graphic of an example protein network (also called an interactome) with genes represented by text in the boxes and interactions noted by the lines between the genes [1 Hennah W, Porteous D, (2009). The DISC1 pathway modulates expression of neurodevelopmental, synaptogenic and sensory perception genes. PLoS ONE 4(3) e4906.]. Graphics like these help many readers understand the relationships between proteins in a given network.

Little is known about the interactome of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae and to get a better understanding of its protein network would contribute to our ability to therapeutically intervene and ultimately find novel antibiotics to thwart any symptoms caused by this disease. In general, many protein interactions are unknown in most species and model organisms, even when they are considered the backbone for numerous cellular activities. A theory of the majority rule exists, where the functions of an unknown protein is hypothesized based on its interaction partners that are found in the protein network, also known as its interactome.

Fig. 2: Example of a protein interactome with interactions noted by lines between the genes.