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Contact Dr. Cang Ye

Phone:(804) 828-0346

Google Voice: (501) 237-1818

Fax: (804) 828-2771   

Email: cye@vcu.edu


Dept. of Computer Science

Virginia Commonwealth University

401 West Main Street, E2264

Richmond, VA 23284-3019


Dept. of Computer Science

Virginia Commonwealth University

401 West Main Street, E2240

Richmond, VA 23284-3019

Robotics Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering

Virginia Commonwealth University


Robotics Laboratory

Location: Engineering Research Building 2339    

Director: Dr. Cang Ye    Phone: (804) 828-0346

The goal of the Robotics Lab is to create autonomous systems that are able to model their environments using onboard sensors and generate intelligent behaviors to complete their missions in unstructured environments. The systems are evolutionary and collaborative with human in task completion. They improve their performance through exploring the environments and collaboration with human.

The current research efforts of the lab  focus on:

  1. Assistive robots/devices for the visually impaired
  2. Co-robots and human-robot interaction
  3. Wearable robotic devices
  4. Mobile robot simultaneously localization and mapping
  5. Marker-less human motion/gait capture and analysis
  6. 3-D range data processing and understanding for autonomous navigation

ERB 2339

Current Members


Ph.D.   in Electrical Engineering, University of Hong Kong

M.Eng. in Mechatronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

B.Eng. in Mechatronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

Cang Ye

IASL research team (Fall 2015)

M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Columbia University in the City of New York

B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University

Project: Localization of a co-robotic cane in indoor environments

Lingqiu Jin, PH.D. Student

Graduate Students

B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Project: Human walking pattern recognition for a quadrupedal human-assistive robotic platform

Mir Toornaw Islam, PH.D. Student


B.S. in Computer Science, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), China

Ph.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Projects: Simultaneous localization and mapping of a hand-worn object manipulation aid for the visually impaired, RGB-D camera based walking pattern recognition for a quadrupedal human-assistive robotic platform

He Zhang, Postdoc

Ph.D. in Engineering, Hebei Agricultural University

M.E. in Communication and Information system, North China Electric Power University

B.S. in Electronic information engineering, YanShan University

Project: Human walking pattern detection by multisensory modality

Project: Object/scene recognition for a smart cane

Congcong Li

Visiting Scholar