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Masters Degree Students

1)    Shi Liang
1993 - 1997, M.S. - 1997
Thesis title: Cellular responses of neuronal cells in culture to stretch-induced injury.
Present Position: unknown

2)    Karen Willoughby
1994 - 1998, M.S.
Thesis title: The morphological characterization of stretch-injured brain derived cells.
Present Position: Laboratory Specialist Advanced
Medical College of Virginia, VCU
Ms. Willoughby has been a full-time employee in Dr. Ellis’ lab since 1990 as the laboratory manager.   


Program Certificate Students

1)    Anthony Pellicane
Certificate Program, Pharmacology and Toxicology
2001 – 2002
The Certificate Program is a one-year non-degree program wherein students take graduate course work and perform research in an effort to improve their credentials in order to be accepted by a medical school of other academic or research program. Mr. Pellicane studied the effect of drugs on trauma-induced brain cell mitochondrial depolarization and graduated from VCU's medical school in 2007.

2)    Jennifer Shea
Certificate Program, Pharmacology and Toxicology
2001 – 2002
Ms. Shea studied the effect of drugs on trauma-induced brain cell mitochondrial depolarization and received her MS in Pharmacology with Dr. Kimber White in 2003 and completed VCU's medical school in 2008.


Visiting Students

1)    Markus Boerschel
M.D., University of Munich, Munich, Germany
1990 - 1991
Dr. Boerschel was a special student in our laboratory during his fourth year of medical school. He is now a neurosurgeon in Germany.

2)    Virginia Sweet
Stanardsville, Virginia
Ms. Sweet was a special student in our laboratory for the Summer, 1991. She was selected and supported by the Governor's School of Virginia, a special program for gifted secondary school students.

3)    Tanya Cartwright
Roanoke, Virginia
Ms.Cartwrightwas a special student in our laboratory for the Summer, 1992. She was selected and supported by the Governor's School of Virginia, a special program for gifted secondary school students. She was accepted into college, at age 15, while in our laboratory.

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Last Update: August 29, 2007