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- Robertson, S.L., Henson, S.M., Robertson, T. and Cushing, J.M. 2018. A matter of maturity: to delay or not to delay? Continuous-time compartmental models of structured populations in the literature 2000-2016, Natural Resource Modeling, 31:e12160
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- Eisenberg, M.C., Robertson, S.L. and Tien, J. 2013. Identifiability and estimation of multiple transmission pathways in cholera and waterborne disease, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 324 (7): 84-102
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- Henson, S.M., Reilly, J.R., Robertson, S.L., Schu, M.C., Davis, E.W. and Cushing, J.M., Predicting irregularities in population cycles, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 2, No. 2 (2003), 238-253