About Us

Welcome to the Course Facepage! Our goal is to be able to share information about courses and students in our class. This site was built for students, run by students!

Face Page is a place to CONNECT with other students from Info 202 and the VCU Business School. This is an opportunity for students to network with peers in their class and major.

Here students can SHARE information about class, announcements, news, something interesting that happened that day, or ask questions!

Students are encouraged to INTERACT and become more involved in school and the community.

VCU is one of the nations top business schools in the nation. It ranks in the top 100 of the best undergraduate business programs.

Honor Pledge

"On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment, and I pledge that I am in compliance with the VCU Honor System."


Week 1
Course Overview

Week 2
Chapter 1

Week 3
Chapter 12

Week 4
Chapter 2
Chapter 12 Homework Due

Week 5
Chapter 5 and 10
Chapter 2 Homework Due

Week 6
Chapter 3

Week 7
Chapter 6 and 8
Chapter 3 Homework Due

Week 8
Chapter 8

Week 9
Spring Break

Week 10
Chapter 7
First Homepage Due

Week 11
Chapter 4 and 11

Week 12
Chapter 9
Chapter 4 Homework Due

Week 13
Chapter 13
50% of Project Due

Week 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 8 Homework Due

Week 15
Group Presentations
Presentation Due

Week 16
Finals Week
Final Examination – May 3, 2012 at 1:00 pm – 3:50 pm