Image Galleries

It can be difficult to find royalty free images that you can use. This page lists a few of my favorite resources. Make sure you check out the copyright information on the right.

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Wellcome Images

This image collection includes themes ranging from medical and social history to contemporary healthcare and biomedical science. Images can be downloaded at no cost for personal, academic teaching or study use.



Microsoft clip Gallery

This gallery includes more than 150,000 free images and sounds



US Government Photos and Graphics

Many images on this site are available for use in the public domain, and may be used without permission or fee.




This stock photography site includes still images as well as video and animations. Files are purchased using credits. Small, still images start at 95 cents.


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Big Stock Photo

Similar to iStockPhoto, this site includes royalty free stock photos that can be purchased for as little as $1.


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The Flickr website is a place where you can upload, organize and share photos, and download photos contributed by others to use in your work.


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Some images on Wikipedia are free. Click on an image to open it, then look for the copyright information at the bottom of the page.

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Similar to iStockPhoto, Fotolia is a repository of still images and videos. Files are purchased using credits.


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This site offers over 2.7 million images thatstart at $1 per image. Files are purchased using credits.



This site offers thoursands of royalty free photos for websites, school work, PowerPoint presentations and more at no cost. Fees apply only to high resolution images.



Use Photobucket to upload and edit your own photos or download images shared by others. The site includes search functionality, a photo editor, scrapbook and slideshow builders...and more. Best of all, images are free!


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Google LIFE Magazine Archives


Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today.

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A morgue file is a place to keep post production materials for use of reference. This world wide web's morguefile offers free images that you can use in your creative work.