
Curriculum Vitae


Portfolio: eLearnVA

Developed and piloted Virginia's first statewide distance education program which provides web-based GED and workplace instruction to adult basic education learners. Currently manage all aspects of the program. Research, identify, and recommend emergent technologies and promote instructional practices that improve the educational success of eLearnVA students.

Responsible for leading the development of the eLearnVA website using the Drupal platform. Integrated the site with a custom database to better track learner and program outcomes. Added a community blog, educational videos, and automated email contact system.


report documenting the outcomes of the eLearnVA program submitted annually to the Virginia Department of Education Office of Adult Education and Literacy.

GED podcast logo

Produced a series of professionally recorded podcasts about the GED tests targeted at adult education students and teachers. Distributed podcasts through iTunesU and the VALRC and eLearnVA web sites. Cowrote podcast scripts, identified and recruited voice talent, recorded audio content, and oversaw editing and completion of the final podcast episodes.

Promotional materials

Oversaw the design, production, and dissemination of eLearnVA print materialsin order to promote the program to both students and teachers interested in eLearnVA's distance learning options.

Student Flyer

Promotional Brochure

Mini Poster

eLearnVA custom database

Contracted with VCU Creative Services to develop a database customized for eLearnVA learners, mentors, and local teachers.

  • identified and designed database functionality
  • helped link database with Drupal LMS
  • oversaw testing and eventual rollout
  • responsible for identifying and making needed revisions and updates