
Curriculum Vitae


Portfolio: Courses Taught

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Lead the development and instruction of two new courses, Theory & Practice of eLearning Integration into Adult Learning Environments and Design Challenges in Using Educational Technology for Adult Learning, for a three-course Teaching with Technology strand in the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education’s graduate program in Adult Learning.
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Developed and taught several undergraduate and gradute technology courses for UVA's Curry School of Education.

Building on instructional design, video production, and computer-based development skills, this course explored various aspects of educational game design, including the fundamentals of game design and game evaluation. During the course students had the opportunity to apply these concepts in the design of their own educational game.

This class provided undergraduate and graduate students with a hands-on introduction to current methods of producing various forms of digital multimedia, including digital photo editing, digital video production, podcasting, and web design. Each class included introductory lectures, hands-on assignments, class discussion, and supervised lab time.

This graduate-level course introduced students to various software and hardware applications and their effective use in an educational context, fostered discussion on best uses of technology in education, and allowed students to produce an electronic portfolio demonstrating their technical competencies to current or future employers.