Virginia Commonwealth University
1. Discuss the location and mode of absorption of potassium, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate.
2. Describe the regulation of iron absorption.
3. Discuss the site and mode of absorption of the water-soluble vitamins.
4. Name one physical factor that may influence the absorption of some nutrients and discuss its significance in planning a diet.
5. Apply the carrier hypothesis to sugar absorption and relate it to:
c. Inhibition- competitive and noncompetitive
6. Define secondary active transport and relate it to the carrier mechanism.
7. Compare the mechanisms of absorption of glucose, galactose and fructose and relate them to the carrier hypothesis.
8. Compare amino acid absorption with sugar absorption.
9. Relate amino acid absorption to molecular size.
10.Give examples of genetic defects in amino acid absorption and relate them to other diseases.