Study Guide for Lung Scintigraphy

  1. Identify and define the anatomical structures in the lung. Answer
  1. Consider the role gravity plays on the lungs; how does it effect ventilation and circulation? Answer
  1. What conditions would cause the PO2 level to drop? Answer
  1. In V/Q imaging what do the following diseases look like: PE, COPD, and Ca. Answer
  1. Discuss and compare the following radiopharmaceuticals used in V/Q imagine: 99m TcMAA, 99m TcHAM, 133Xe, 127Xe, 81m Kr, and 99m TcDTPA.
  1. Understand the DTV to PE process. Answer
  1. Diagram a 133Xe ventilation system and understand the imaging procedure. Answer
  1. Diagram a radioaerosol delivery system. Answer
  1. Compare 133Xe to 99m TcDTPA in ventilation imaging. Answer
  1. Understand the production of BuckyBalls. Answer
  1. Calculate a split lung.Answer
  1. Review and understand the V/Q procedures. See Procedures

Here's a kit preparation, decay, and particle size problem.

We'll cover this on Monday should you have any questions.

An elution vial contains 820 mCi in 5.6 mL at 600 hrs. How many mL are needed from the elution vial draw out 75 mCi at 7am which was compounded with a vial MAA to produce 99mTcMAA. How much saline do you add to the MAA vial if you needed a total of 5 mL? If the vial contained 2.5 x 106 particles and an adult dose administered at 8am was 5.2 mCi, how many particles did the patient receive? If another patient was injected at 12N and received a 5.4 mCi dose, how many particles did he/she receive?

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