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Published/Submitted Articles on Strain (Stretch)-injured
Brain-derived Cells in Culture

1.         Ellis, E.F., J. McKinney, K. Willoughby and S. Liang. A new model for rapid stretch-induced injury of cells in culture: characterization of the model using astrocytes. J. Neurotrauma 12: 325-339, 1995.

2.         Tavalin, S.J., E.F. Ellis and L.S. Satin. Mechanical perturbation of cultured cortical neurons reveals a stretch-induced delayed depolarization. J. Neurophysiology 74: 2767-2773, 1995.

3.         McKinney J.S., K. Willoughby, S. Liang and E.F. Ellis. Stretch-induced injury of cultured neuronal, glial, and endothelial cells: the effect of polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase. Stroke 27: 934-940, 1996.

4.         Zhang, L., B. Rzigalinski, E.F. Ellis and L.S. Satin. Reduction of voltage-dependent Mg2+ blockade of NMDA current in mechanically injured cortical neurons. Science 274: 1921-1923, 1996.

5.         Rzigalinski, B., S. Liang, J.S. McKinney, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. The effect of calcium on in vitro astrocyte injury. J. Neurochem. 68: 289-296, 1997.

6.         Tavalin, S.J., Ellis, E.F. and Satin, L.S. Inhibition of the electrogenic Na pump underlies delayed depolarization of cortical neurons following mechanical injury or glutamate. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 632-638, 1997.

7.         Lamb, R.G., C.C. Harper, J.S. McKinney, B.A. Rzigalinski and E.F. Ellis. Alterations in phosphatidylcholine metabolism of stretch-injured cultured rat astrocytes. J. Neurochem. 68: 1904-1910, 1997

8.         Rzigalinski, B.A., J.T. Weber, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Intracellular free calcium dynamics in stretch-injured astrocytes. J. Neurochem. 70: 2377-2385, 1998.

9.         Goforth, P.B., E.F. Ellis and L.S. Satin. Enhancement of AMPA-mediated current following traumatic injury in cortical neurons. J. Neuroscience, 19: 7367-7374, 1999.

10.       Weber, J.T., B.A. Rzigalinski, K.A. Willoughby, S.F. Moore and E.F. Ellis. Alterations in calcium-mediated signal transduction and intracellular calcium stores after traumatic injury or cortical neurons. Cell Calcium 26: 289-99, 1999.

11.       Ahmed, S.M., B.A. Rzigalinski, K.A. Willoughby, H.A. Sitterding and E.F. Ellis. Stretch-induced injury alters mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular ATP in cultured astrocytes and neurons. J. Neurochem. 74: 1951-1960, 2000.

12.       Hoffman, S.W., B.A. Rzigalinski, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Astrocytes generate isoprostanes in response to trauma or oxygen radicals. J. Neurotrauma 17: 415-420, 2000.

13.       Weber, J.T., B.A. Rzigalinski and E.F. Ellis. Traumatic injury of cortical neurons causes changes in intracellular calcium stores and capacitative calcium influx. J. Biol. Chem. 216: 1800-1807, 2001.

14.       Floyd, C.L., B.A. Rzigalinski, J.T. Weber, H.A. Sitterding, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Traumatic injury of cultured astrocytes alters inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate mediated signaling. Glia 33:12-23, 2001

15.       Weber, J.T., B.A. Rzigalinski and E.F. Ellis. Calcium responses to caffeine and muscarinic receptor agonists are altered in traumatically injured neurons. J. Neurotrauma 19: 1433-1443, 2002.

16.       Ahmed, S.M., J.T. Weber, S. Liang, K.A. Willoughby, H.A. Sitterding, B.A. Rzigalinski and E.F. Ellis. NMDA receptor activation contributes to a portion of the decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and elevated intracellular free calcium in stretch-injured neurons. J. Neurotrauma 19: 1619-129, 2002.

17.       Neary, J.T., Y. Kang, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Activation of ERK by stretch-induced injury in astrocytes involves extracellular ATP and P2 purinergic receptors J Neurosci. 2003 Mar 15;23(6):2348-56.

18.       Floyd, C.L., B.A. Rzigalinski, H.A. Sitterding, K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Antagonism of metabotropic group 1 receptors and PLC attenuates injury-induced increases in inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate in cultured astrocytes. J. Neurotrauma 21(2): 215-216, 2004.

19.       Chen, T., K.A. Willoughby and E.F. Ellis. Group I metabotropic receptor antagonism blocks depletion of calcium stores and reduces potentiated capacitative calcium entry in strain-injured neurons and astrocytes. J. Neurotrauma 21(3):271-281, 2004.

20.       Kao, C.-Q., P.B. Goforth, E.F. Ellis and L.S. Satin. Potentiation of GABAA currents after mechanical injury of cortical neurons. J. Neurotrauma, 21(3): 259-270, 2004.

21.      Goforth, P.B., E.F. Ellis, L.S. Satin. Mechanical-injury modulates AMPA receptor kinetics via an NMDA receptor-dependent pathway. J. Neurotrauma 21: 719-723, 2004.

22.       Willoughby, K.A., A. Kleindienst, C. Müller, T. Chen, J.K. Muir and E.F. Ellis. S100B protein is released by in vitro trauma and reduces delayed neuronal injury. J. Neurochem. 91: 1284-1291, 2004.

23.      Ellis, E.F., K.A. Willoughby, S.A. Sparks and T.A. Chen. S100B protein is released from rat neonatal neurons, astrocytes, and microglia by in vitro trauma and anti-S100 increases trauma-induced delayed neuronal injury and negates the protective effect of exogenous S100B on neurons. J. Neurochem. 101: 1463-1470, 2007.



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Last Update: August 21, 2007