
English 205
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Introduction   ||   Project OneEdwards |  Woolman |  Leading Questions   ||   Project Two
Web-Course Enhancement Projects:  Project One 


Leading Questions
for Project One

(note:  several questions overlap)

1. What do the differences in their use of language show about the two writers, both of whom are very religious? Note the italics in Edwards's sermon, for example. Also, the writing styles of the two. What do these two styles say about the two writers?

2. What do you make of the many references to Scripture by Edwards and the very infrequent references to Scripture by Woolman? And, in what ways does Edwards use the references to Scripture (closely connected to his logicality, maybe?).

3. Both these writers are mystics, but there is a big difference in what their mystical visions reveal to them. What are some of these differences?

4. Both see this world as being full of temptations, opportunities for "backsliding" and "slipping." Yet their attitudes toward these temptations are very different, especially in the way God and Christ act toward people who slip and slide. What are some of the attitudes toward temptations for each writer.

5. Closely related to this, both believe in a personal God, yet their ideas of God's attributes differ greatly. Name some for each writer.

6. Both believe in one God, yet here too they differ greatly about what that means. What does each mean?

7. Woolman writes sensitively about slavery and war. What do you think Edwards would say about these two important matters?

8. Woolman stresses humility. Does Edwards? What does this imply about each writer?


Introduction   ||   Project OneEdwards |  Woolman |  Leading Questions   ||   Project Two

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