
English 205
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Spring 2005 Syllabus
Aug. 26 Introduction to course; Overview Lecture : American Literature, Beginnings to 1860
29 Giovanni da Verrazzano, from Verrazzano’s Voyage… (pp. 10-16)
31 John Smith, from The General History of Virginia ... (pp. 32-45) .
Sept. 2 finish Smith; brief explanation of Web Course-Enhancement Projects
5 Labor Day
7 William Bradford, from Of Plymouth Plantation ... (pp. 46-61).

finish Bradford; Thomas Morton, from The New English Canaan (pp. 62-69);  by now, have read “Exploration and the Colonies,” pp. 1-9

12 John Winthrop, from A Model of Christian Charity (pp. 69-77)

Roger Williams, from The Bloody Tenet..., The Bloody Tenet Yet More Bloody and  “Letter to the Town of Providence ” (pp. 77-84)


Anne Bradstreet, “The Flesh...,” “Upon the Burning...” and from Meditations... pp. 84ff)

19 Edward Taylor, “Huswifery” and “A Fig...” (pp. 161ff); by now, have read “Puritanism,” pp. 109-11
21 finish Taylor ; brief review for Announced Quiz #1
23 Announced Quiz #1; begin Byrd, from The History... and A Progress (pp. 232ff) |
26 continue Byrd
28 finish Byrd; begin Benjamin Franklin, from Poor Richard’s... and letter to Ezra Stiles (pp. 318ff) .
30 finish Franklin
IIn preparation for the midterm, work through the first Web Course-Enhancement project (on Woolman and Edwards; read headnotes in textbook for both writers).
Oct. 3 Thomas Paine, from The Age of Reason (pp. 371ff)
5 finish Paine

Thomas Jefferson, from Notes on...Virginia, letters to Benjamin Rush and John Adams (pp. 412ff)

10 finish Jefferson
12 Olaudah Equiano, from The Interesting Narrative…
14 Philip Freneau, “On Mr. Paine’s...” and “On the Universality...” (pp. 451ff) .
17 finish Freneau; 10-minute review for midterm
19 Midterm Exam
21 VCU Reading Day

Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The Divinity School Address” and “Ode [to Channing]” (pp. 879ff)

26 continue Emerson

finish Emerson; begin Edgar Allan Poe, “The Raven,” “The Philosophy...” and “Romance” (pp. 1228ff); by now, have read “The Romantic Temper...,” pp. 525-532 and “Transcendentalism,” pp. 877-878

31 continue Poe
Nov 2 finish Poe

Herman Melville, from Battle Pieces : “The Portent,” “The March into Virginia ,”  Shiloh ” and “Malvern Hill” (pp. 1524ff)

***************NOV 4:  LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM CLASSES*******
7 finish Melville poetry; begin “Bartleby the Scrivener”
9 continue “Bartleby the Scrivener”
11 finish “Bartleby the Scrivener”; brief review for Announced Quiz #2
14 Announced Quiz #2; begin Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s... (pp. 1730ff)
16 continue Stowe
18 finish Stowe; begin Harriet Jacobs, Incidents... (pp. 1807ff)
21 continue Jacobs; by now, have read “The Humanitarian...,” pp. 1675-1680
23 finish Jacobs; 
25 Thanksgiving Holiday
In preparation for the final exam in two weeks, work through the second Web course-enhancement project (on Melville and Poe).
28 begin Frederick Douglass, Narrative... (pp. 1821ff)
30 continue Douglass
Dec 2

finish Douglass; begin Walt Whitman, “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” Specimen Days “After First Fredericksburg ,” “Abraham Lincoln” and “Virginia” (pp. 1913ff)    

5 continue Whitman
7 continue Whitman
9 finish Whitman; brief review for final exam
12 Final Exam — 8 : 00-10 : 50 am

205 Main   |   Course Description   |   Syllabus   |   Course Enhancements

