Nov. 2015, Our paper "Cost-aware Targeted Viral Marketing in Billion-scale Networks" has been accepted to the INFOCOM 2016 conference (acceptance rate 18.3%).
Sep. 2015, Dr. Thang Dinh will serve as a TPC Co-chair for COCOON'16 conference in Hochiminh city, Vietnam
Aug. 2015, Our paper "Network Clustering via Maximizing Modularity: Approximation Algorithms and Theoretical Limits" has been accepted to the ICDM 2015 conference as a full paper (acceptance rate 8.4%).
May 2015, Dr. Thang Dinh will serve as an NSF panelist.
Mar. 2015, Dr. Thang Dinh is invited to serve as a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, a premier conference in communication networks.
Nov. 2014: Our paper "Assessing Attack Vulnerability in Networks with Uncertainty" has been accepted to the INFOCOM 2015 conference.
Nov. 2014: Dr. Thang Dinh is invited to serve on the WIDN workshop in INFOCOM 2015.
Jul. 2014: Dr. Thang Dinh is invited to serve on TPCs for IEEE ICC'15, and ICNC'15, Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining (SCSD) symposium.
May. 2014: Dr. Thang Dinh is invited to serve as a TPC Co-Chair for the 3rd Workshop on Computational Social Networks, Hawaii, Dec. 2014
Apr. 2014: The paper "Optimal Inspection Points for Malicious Attack Detection in Smart Grids" is accepted to The 20th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'14)!
Apr. 2014: Dr. Thang Dinh is invited to serve on the TPC for the 10th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2014)
Mar. 2013: The paper "Network under Joint Node and Link Attacks: Vulnerability Assessment Methods and Analysis" is accepted to IEEE/ ACM Transactions on Networking!
Nov. 2013: Dr. Thang Dinh is now serving on the Editorial Board of Computational Social Network Journal, published by Springer.
Oct. 2013: The paper "Cost-effective Viral Marketing for Time-critical Campaigns in Large-scale Social Networks" is accepted to IEEE/ ACM Transactions on Networking!
Sep. 2013: The paper "Least Cost Influence in Multiplex Social Networks: Model Representation and Analysis" is accepted to IEEE ICDM 2013 as a regular paper. The acceptance rate is 11.6%!
Aug. 2013: The paper "A Near-optimal Adaptive Algorithm for Maximizing Modularity in Dynamic Scale-free Networks" is accepted to Journal of Combinatorial Optimization!