Bad (terrible!) practice
Never, ever, do this! (and certainly don't hand in homework like the following):
LIBNAME Library '/bios524/classlib'; Data All; Set Library.Survey1; Run; PROC PRINT DATA=All; TITLE "I just want to see the values"; ID SUBJ;
What does this job do? Create a data set and print it out.
Wouldn't this do as well?
LIBNAME Library '/bios524/classlib'; PROC PRINT DATA=Library.Survey1; TITLE "I just want to see the values"; ID SUBJ;
Rule: You do not have to create a data set to use the data set.
Explicit thing to watch out for:
Data temp; Set Library.permanent;
i.e., a data step that does nothing but copy a permanent data set.
PROC whatever DATA=temp;