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VCU School of Engineering Classes Using the Mentor Graphics EDA Tools
EGRE 224 Introduction to Microelectronics
Modeling, analysis, design, and measurement of electrical
circuits which contain electronic devices. Topics include: electrical
behavior of basic discrete devices including p-n junction diodes,
bipolar junction and field-effect transistors along with integrated circuit
concepts, and operational amplifiers. Treated will be concepts of input
and output impedances, amplification, frequency response and circuit
topologies. Students will learn to design to specification through
laboratory problems, a design project and circuit simulation using SPICE
computer software.
EGRE 254 Digital Logic Design
An introduction to digital logic design with an emphasis
on practical design techniques and circuit implementations. Topics include
number representation in digital computers, Boolean algebra,
theory of logic functions, mapping tech-niques and function minimization,
design of combinational, clock sequential and interactive digital
circuits such as comparitors, counters, pattern detectors, adders and
subtractors. Asynchronous sequential circuit concepts are introduced.
Students will use the above basic skills in laboratory to design and
fabricate a digital logic circuit.
Design Architect
EGRE 364 Microcomputer Systems
Basic computer organization, microprocessor instruction
sets, assembly language programming, the design of various types of digital as well as analog interfaces and microprocessor system design considerations will be treated. The laboratory is designed to provide
practical, hands-on experience with microprocessor software
applications and interfacing techniques.
Design Architect
EGRE 426 Computer Organization and Design
This course presents the foundation for computer design at the register transfer level. Starting from an instruction set architecture, students design a data path and a control unit to implement the architecture. Topics considered are hardware description language, computer components and structures, processing algorithm, data path, controller, data representation, interrupt system protocol, memory structures, interfacing and high performance computing.
Design Architect
EGRE 427 Advanced Digital Design
This course provides students with practical foundations for the design of digital systems. It expands on the digital system design theory learned in prerequisite courses. Students will implement a version of the computer they designed in EGRE 426. Topics covered are: top-down design and design methodology, logic decomposition, design synthesis, application-specific IC design, logic families and high-speed interfacing, asynchronous sequential machine design, hazard analysis and detection, digital testing and design for testability, and logic debugging and testing.
Design Architect
Lenoardo Spectrum
Actel Designer FPGA Tools
EGRE 429 VLSI Design
This course will have students (1) design and capture schematically a combinational circuit, a sequential circuit, and a finite state machine, (2) simulate the resulting circuit to verify functionally its timing requirements ability, (3) layout a custom circuit that implements the schematic circuit diagram and passes all design rules, and (4) have the ability to discuss, on various levels, the interactions among devices, processes, and the design process.
Design Architect
EGRE 435 Fabrication and Laboratory
This course will have students (1) become introduced to the fabrication of integrated circuits, (2) design individual devices and simulate their operation, (3) design and simulate a fabrication process to build the device designed in part 2, (4) carry out the necessary processing to produce an array of individual metal gate pMOS transistors on a silicon substrate, (5) carry out a metallization process to connect these devices into an integrated circuit, (6) characterize the electrical behavior introduced to failure analysis by using standard tools to determine the reason for failure and expected device/circuit operation.
Design Architect
VCU School of Engineering Mentor Graphics EDA Tool Tutorials
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