johnnyace |
My preferred reading material used to be cheap paperbacks, my favorites thumbed repeatedly until they finally fell apart, but I eventually discovered online libraries like Project Gutenberg and realized there was far more great literature available for free than I could ever hope to consume. Long flights, train rides, and beach trips, however, still require the purchase of fresh pulp fiction.
My writing is rather auto-biographical, or at least based loosely on actual events. Write what you know, they say. They also say that the road to Hell is paved with adverbs, and unfortunately my prose is rife with them, a one-trick pony stuck in the informal first person with a penchant for poetic alliteration. Some have even accused me of writing the way I speak, but it's actually the other way around.
I've tried to be merciful and share only what I think are some of my most admirable attempts at telling an interesting story or evoking a mood, but this is just a tiny portion of my oeuvre. I've even shared a spoonful of poetry, which is embarassing enough, but since poetry especially is meant to be heard as much as read, I've also recorded myself reciting select works aloud the way I imagined them spoken.