by VCU's

A daily roundup of media coverage of the Virginia General Assembly
Updated by noon each weekday by a student in Mass Comm 375 at Virginia Commonwealth University
:: today's editor ::
> Christian Finkbeiner

:: verbatim ::

"I hope you can do better as time goes by."

- Delegate V. Earl Dickinson, D-Louisa County, the House Appropriations Committee's co-chairman, to Finance Secretary Ronald L. Tillett, who admitted that the administration inadvertently left out funding for some programs in Gov. Jim Gilmore’s $48 billion budget proposal. (Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch)

:: on deck ::
The Democratic and Republican caucuses both meet at 11:30 a.m. Friday. The Democrats meet in House Room 1 and the Republicans meet in House Room 4.

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> Yahoo! News:
Oddly Enough

... funny, strange and true news stories from around the globe.

:: recess ::
The administrator of the Wall O' Shame Web site says, “This is my attempt to characterize the erosion of our world by displaying true stories and tidbits that are just too nonlinear.” Among the tidbits are “90 Percent Body Odor” and “What Not to Write on Your Security Clearance Form.”

:: feedback ::
> Suggestions, ideas,
tips for coverage? Tell us!
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2000

Lawmakers concerned about suicide rates

Over the past 25 years, suicides have risen dramatically among young people in Virginia, statistics show. Legislators and concerned citizens want the state to increase its suicide prevention efforts. [Full story by Tracey Wainwright]

VCU to honor former Gov. Wilder tonight

Former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder will be honored tonight at Virginia Commonwealth University during a reception and dinner commemorating the 10th anniversary of his inauguration. [Full story by Artis Gordon]

Gilmore details King holiday plan

State employees would get a four-day weekend under Gov. Jim Gilmore's plan to establish a separate holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr., The Roanoke Times reported. Under the proposal, the third Monday of January would commemorate the civil rights leader, and the preceding Friday would be a holiday for Confederate icons Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Currently, Virginia has one holiday for all three men. Gilmore's plan would cost about $900,000 annually in overtime pay at state agencies that operate around the clock, The Times said.

GOP proposes pay raise for teachers

Virginia's 83,000 public school teachers would get raises of at least 2.4 percent under a proposal by Republican members of the House. They're concerned about a teacher shortage, The Virginian-Pilot reported.

Hager backs waiting period for abortions

Republican Lt. Gov. John H. Hager on Wednesday strongly supported requiring a 24-hour waiting period for a woman to get an abortion, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. Hager also called for a waiting period for many adults seeking their first driver's license.

Bill would help elderly buy medicines

Older adults and disabled people who have trouble affording the medicines they need would receive help under a bill backed by Democratic legislators, The Roanoke Times reported. Delegate Creigh Deeds, D-Alleghany County, is sponsoring a bill that would offer assistance with prescription drug purchases for people who are more than 65 years old or disabled.


:: links ::

> Home page for MASC 375, the Legislative Reporting course
at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Mass Communications

> Hotlist of newspapers covering the General Assembly

> Other online resources for legislative reporters