Graduate-Level Courses:
Convection Heat Transfer (EGMN 602)
Text: Convection Heat Transfer by Adrian Bejan, 4th edition (2013)
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (EGMN 504)
Text: Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, 9th edition (2006)
Heat and Mass Transfer Theory (EGMN 607)
Text: Covection
Heat Transfer, Adrian Bejan, 4th ed. (2013) & Fundamental Mechanics of
Fluids, I.G. Currie, 4th ed. (2013)
Undergraduate-Level Courses:
Numerical Methods
(EGMN 321)
Text: Numerical Methods for Engineers (6th Edition) S.C. Chapra and R.P.
Canale 6th edition (2010)
Heat Transfer (ENGR 302)
Text: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Incropera et al., 6th
edition (2007)
Engineering Statics (ENGR
Text: Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Hibbeler, 11th edition (2007)
Independent Study Graduate-Level Courses:
Phenomena in Saturated Porous Media
Text: Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore
Structure, F.A. Dullien, 2nd edition (1991)
Transport Phenomena in Unsaturated Porous Media
Text: A collection of book chapters and
review articles
Aerosol Filtration
Text: Air Filtration: An Integrated Approach
to the Theory and Applications of Fibrous Filters, R.C. Brown (1993)
Radiative Heat Transfer
Text: Radiative Heat Transfer, M.F. Modest,
2nd edition (2003)