Verbal Concepts
Some verbal concepts may also be expressed by certian fixed stems
followed by the conjugated form of "biela." literally translated as
" said". Here some examples are given to this mode of verb formation.
1. tm biela/bielet = he/she kept quiet.
Examples 33.1
Hgya aba. tm biela. he refused to speak. He kept quiet.
le radyo sebera mesleni tm biela. the radio has broken down I think,
it kept quiet.
le re'is ewan hgyahu ambeta kulu when the president started his
le 'adam tm biela. speach all the people kept quiet.
2. QnS biela/bielet. = he/she stood up ( unexpectedly /quietly)
nefer ende 'ilr'yu QnS biela. He stood up before anybody could
see him.
mn le mgsayu QnS biela kefegra from where he was seated he
(unexpectedly) he stood up and then
went out.
3. ketef biela/bielet = he/she suddenly arrived/appeard
mn 'aya meS'a end iltbahal ketef biela. = he suddenly arvived before
anyone knows ( where he
came from)
'abuyie kem lakeyu ketef biela = he arrived (suddenly) when my father
called him.
4. hawu biela/bielet = he/she completely forgot.
hawu bielko melahay! I totally forgot my friend!
Hat Hate ewan hawu lbl Sometimes he forgets
5. halawu biela/bielet = he/she completely lost
kla le 'amEl halawu bielna = the whole day we were completly lost.
6. halaf biela/bielet = he/she talked a lot of nonesense.
le enas halaf lbl Ala = the man was talking a lot of nonsense.
melahay halaf 'itibel = don't talk nonesense my friend.
7. haTsh biela/bielet = he/she sneezed.
this last example can also be expressed with out the biela/bielet
e.g. haTesha he sneezed.
haTeshet she sneezed.
Today we learned the following new word:
radyo radio
sebera it broke
re'is president
'adam people, persons,
kulu all
nefer a person (single), member of
'anfar persons (plural)
End of Lesson 33
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