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Lesson 20

egl = to / for

    1. egl has the meaning of both " to " and " for " and it precedes the
    2. If "egl" is followed by "mi" then its meaning changes to "why".
       egl mi = why.

     Let us now look into the conjugation of the verb "to eat" with "egl"

     egl eblaE       to eat   (for I)
     egl nblaE       to eat   (for we)
     egl lblaE       to eat   (for he)
     egl tblaE       to eat   (for she)
     egl tblaE       to eat   (for you, masculine)
     egl tblI        to eat   (for you, feminine)
     egl tbleO       to eat   (for you, plural and masculine)
     egl tbleA       to eat   (for you, plural and feminine)
     egl lbleO       to eat   (for they, masculine)
     egl lblaA       to eat   (for they, feminine)

Examples 20.1

        eli    enas  egl mi  meS'a ?       egl mi= eglmi
        this man why (did he) came ?  [ Why did this man come?]

      	(htu)   egl  lshqe   meS'a.
        (he)    to   work   (he) came.   [ He came to work.]

       	elom    seb  egl mi meS'awu ?
        these   men   why   (did they) came ? [ Why did men come ?]

        (htom)  egl lshqewu meS'awu.
        (they)  to  work  (they) came. [ They came to work.]

       	elen  ans    egl mi   meS'aya
        these women why (did they) came ?[ Why did these women come?]

        (hten) egl lshqeya  meS'aya.
        (they) to  work  (they) came. [They came to work.]

      3. "egl" has the meaning of "for" if it is followed by a noun.
         But there are exceptions to this as is evident from the following

Example 20.2

        egl   Adna         seniet    nKdem.
        for our country good do/work [ Let us work good for our country]

        egl      men         habkaha ?
        for/to   who/whom   (did you) give it ?

        egl rayet   habkuwa.
        to  Rayet  (I) gave it. [ I gave it to Rayet] 

Note: Rayet is a  name for a girl.

       4. egl followed by the possessive prefix indicates for me, for you,
          for her etc.

     1st. person     egl+yie  =  eglyie = for me
                     egl+na   =  eglna  = for us

     2nd. person     egl+ki   =  eglki  = for you(f)
                     egl+ka   =  eglka  = for you(m)
                     egl+kum  =  eglkum = for you(p,m)
                     egl+kn   =  eglkn  = for you(p,f)

     3rd .person     egl+la   =  egla   = for her
                     egl+lu   =  eglu   = for him
                     egl+lom  =  eglom  = for them(m)
                     egl+len  =  eglen  = for them(f)

Example 20.3

      eglyie   m     egl tahbeni tu ?
      for me what to give me ?  [ For me, what will you give me?]

      eglka    seladi egl habaka tu.
      for you money to give you.  [ For you, I will give you money.]


      Today we have learned the following new words

      shqul  = work
      seladi = money
      meS'a  = (he)came
      belA  = (he)ate
      nKdem  = (we) work (verb)
      Kdmet  = work (noun).
                      End of Lesson 20

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