Lesson 19
Connectivity (III)
Some more connectivity words follow
19.1 deam ==> but
Haile Afyetr mada gn deam Awka nimada AKlla
Haile is Afyet's friend but Awka is not (his) friend.
Kerendi Hagazdi gebgeba gn deam Asmara shiraKw gn.
Keren and Hagaz are nearer to each other but Asmara is far away.
19.1 -sena, rsena, ==> as, like,
dmura gemenisena gn
A cat is like a lion
Keren Hagazrsena emblawaKw gn
Keren is warm as Hagaz Keren is (as) warm (as) Hagaz
19.3 -Kr ==> also
dmura gdng tekekw gemensKr tekekw
A cat looks like also (it looks like) a lion.
enqaqKr quaqresena srera serenekw
Girls also boys as trousers wear Girls also wear trousers as boys do.
HaileKr Afyetdi feruKw
Haile(also) Afyet(with) went. Haile also went with Afyet.
NOTE on use of the suffix -di:
-di can have three different meaning - and, of, with - depending up
on the usage
(i)-di with. In the above sentence (19.3): Afyetdi with Afyet
. When di with, the word to which -di is attached is followed by a verb
(ii) In Lesson 14 (Example 14.2) -di means "of", the same as the
apostrophe s in English. The word that follows -di is usually a noun
that is possessed by (or related to) the word to which -di is attache
as in (Example 14.2).
Amir Amirdi ling'n Amir's house
sabur saburdi menkineti Sabur's car
Dar Dardi wes Dar's cattle.
(ii) -di ... -di and, as in Example 17.1
Adi Bdi A and B
Adi Bdi Cdi Ddi Edi A, B, C, D and E
Gabrdi Hailedi shan gn Gabr and Haile are brothers.
Gabrdi Afyetdi shan gn Gabr and Afyet are siblings.
dmuredi gd'ngdi enkelsngeni A cat and a dog dislike each other.
New vocabulary
AKlla (she) is not (opposite of gn, for "she")
geba near,
gebgeba near (to) each other
shiraKw far away, distant
emblawaKw warm
tekekna, is like, seems;
tekekw is like, as, is similar to
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