BNFo 491/591 
Subcommittee on Genetic Modification
Defining Documents - Mandate of Subcommittee
Spring 2019 

Resolution of the House of Representatives

Congress has been called upon to enact legislation governing the use of genome modification. What we decide will go a long way towards determining the future of our nation and perhaps our world. It is imperative that our deliberations take place in an atmosphere that promotes vision and rewsists the pressures of the day.

Unfortunately, the last session of Congress gives little reason for optimism. We failed to make progress on matters much less subject to the passions and fundamental differences of values that will clash in the genome modification debate. s

Recognizingthe gravity of the matter before us and recognizing that those curently in Congress who have learned to work within our practices would have great difficulty in laying them aside, we here resolve to form a special Subcommittee on Genetic Modification with extraordinary, characteristics, responsibilities, and powers as described below.

Nature of the Subcommittee

  • The members will all be new to congress.
  • Memory of any past party affiliation will be surgically wiped, along with the memory of the operation.
  • The subcommittee will seek broad regulatory recommendations on key topics concerning genome modification (see final report).
  • It is the responsibility of the subcommittee to determine what it needs in order to accomplish this mandate.
  • The subcommittee will solicit expert advice as needed. It will have subpoena powers extending to all persons, whether US citizens or aliens, whether living or dead.
  • Decisions will be determined by unanimous consensus or, if that cannot be achieved, then by assent of at least 70% of the membership.
  • The chairpersonship will rotate amongst the subcommittee members according to an order determined by chance. That person will organize and direct meetings according to the collective will of the subcommittee.
  • Meetings will be held periodically as determined by the subcommittee. In the absence of a clear will, they will be declared by the senior member.