BNFo 491/591 
Subcommittee on Genetic Modification
Defining Documents - Final Reports
Spring 2019 


Presentation of Final Reports

  • The subcommittee will present broad regulatory recommendations on key topics concerning genome modification in written form no later than May 11, 2019.
  • The recommendations will be in the form of separate written reports (one for each topic) in DOCX and PDF formats, the latter posted to the SoGeM web site.
  • Reports will focus on what is known and the technical nature of advances in genome modification, aimed at a general audience but making no sacrifice of accuracy.
  • All assertions in the recommendations will be supported by citations to published evidence. The subcommittee will not rely on mere assertions, even from experts.
  • The subcommittee will present in open hearing their preliminary recommendations approximately a week prior to the final deadline (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 1pm).