Arth103 Chapter 16 - Gothic Art

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00 Map of the Gothic and Early Renaissance Europe.jpg
16-01 Chartre Cathedral West Side.jpg
16-01a Plan Chartres.jpg
16-01b Cross-Section Chartre.jpg
16-02 Royal Portal Enthroned in Majesty.jpg
16-02a Royal Portal Details.jpg
16-02b Royal Portal Details..jpg
16-03 Chartres Cathedral Plan.jpg
16-03a Chartres Cathedral Interior..jpg
16-04 Chartre Cathedral Tree of Jesse.jpg
16-05 Chartres Rose Window.jpg
16-06 Notre Dame-Paris.jpg
16-06a Notre Dame Overview.jpg
16-07a Interior NotreDame.jpg
16-07a NotreDamePlan.png
16-08a Reims-Paris.jpg
16-08b Annunciation Reims Cathedral.jpg

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