Questions 27-30

Questions 27– 30 are based on a four-phrase excerpt from a jazz song. The entire excerpt will be played four times. Before listening to the excerpt for the first time, please read Questions 27– 30.


27. The cadences at the end of the first phrase and the third phrase are
(A) half cadences
(B) deceptive cadences
(C) authentic cadences
(D) plagal cadences

28. The interval most frequently heard in the last phrase is a minor
(A) seventh
(B) sixth
(C) third
(D) second

29. The tonal organization of the excerpt is best described as starting in the
(A) tonic and modulating to the dominant
(B) tonic and ending in the tonic
(C) dominant and ending in the tonic
(D) tonic and modulating to the relative minor

30. Which of the following best describes the form of the entire excerpt?
(A) a b a a1
(B) a a1 a b
(C) a b c a
(D) a a b a1

The end! Take me back home.