Yongyun Shin
Associate Professor

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Contact Information

 Department of Biostatistics
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 830 East Main Street, Room 718
 PO BOX 980032
 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0032
 Work: (804) 827-2069
 Fax: (804) 828-8900
 Email: yshin@vcu.edu


  Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Michigan (2003)
  M.A. in Applied Statistics, University of Michigan (1998)
  B.S. in Computer Science and Statistics and B.A. in Economics with High Distinction, University of Michigan (1996)

Awards and Academic Honors

  Teacher of the Year Award 2012-2013, Department of Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University
  Teacher of the Year Award 2020-2021, Department of Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University
  Outstanding Reviewer Award 2021, The American Educational Research Association and JEBS
  Teacher of the Year Award 2021-2022, Department of Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University

Professional Experience

  Associate Professor, Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University (2015-Present)
  Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University (2009-2015)
  Research Associate (Assistant Professor), Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (2007-2008)
  Lecturer, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan (2003-2007)

Professional Service

  2018-Present, Editorial Board, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

Courses I have Taught

  Advanced Inference (Spring 2024)
  Mathematical Statistics I (Fall 2012-2018, 2020-2021, 2023)
  Mathematical Statistics II (Spring 2013-2014, 2016-2024)
  Missing Data Analysis in Multilevel Models (Summer 2014-2016; Fall 2019, 2022)
  Hierarchical Linear Models (Spring 2010, Fall 2011)
  Introduction to Statistics (Winter 2005-2007)
  Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Summer 2004-2006, Fall 2005, Winter 2007)
  Introduction to the Design of Experiments (Fall 2004-2006)
  Applied Statistical Methods I (Fall 2006)
  Introduction to Probability (Winter 2006)
  The General Linear Model and Its Applications (Winter 2004-2005)
  Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis (Summer 2004)
  Applied Statistical Methods II (Fall 2003)

Workshops I have Taught

  Workshop on Advances in Multilevel Modeling with HLM Version 8 (with Stephen W. Raudenbush), The University of Chicago, June 11-13, 2018

  Short course on Hierarchical Linear Models II: Advanced Topics (with Stephen W. Raudenbush and Aline Sayer), The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, July 2013

  Workshop on Analysis of Incomplete Hierarchical Data with HLM (with Stephen W. Raudenbush), University of Massachusetts Amherst, May, 2012

  Short course on Analysis of Incomplete Hierarchical Data (with Stephen W. Raudenbush), Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Spring Conference, Washington D.C., 2012

  Workshop on HLM2 with Missing Data (with Stephen W. Raudenbush), The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, July 2011

Research Interest

  Missing Data Analysis in Hierarchical Models and Longitudinal Models
  Causal Analysis in Hierarchical Models
  Design of Multilevel Experiments

Selected Publications

  Shin, D., Shin, Y., Hagiwara, N. (2024). Bayesian Estimation of Hierarchical Linear Models from Incomplete Data: Cluster-Level Interaction Effects and Small Sample Sizes, Submitted.

  Sun, X., Shin, Y., Elston Lafata, J. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2024). Variability in Causal Effects and Noncompliance in a Multisite Trial: Estimation of a Bivariate Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model, Submitted.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2024). Maximum Likelihood Estimation via Multiple Imputation of Hierarchical Models from Incomplete Data: Random Coefficients, Statistical Interactions, and Measurement Error, Submitted.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2024). Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Hierarchical Linear Models from Incomplete Data: Random Coefficients, Statistical Interactions, and Measurement Error. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 33(1), 112-125, https://doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2023.2234414

  Shin, Y., Sun, S. and Bandyopadhyay, D. (2020). Impact of Adolescent Obesity on Middle-Age Health of Women Given Data MAR. Biometrical Journal, 62(7), 1702-1716, https://doi.org/10.1002/bimj.201900094.

  Shin, Y., Elston-Lafata, J. and Cao, Y. (2018). Statistical Power in Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Models with Arbitrary Number of Factor Levels. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 194, 106-121.

  Ren, C. and Shin, Y. (2016) Longitudinal Latent Variable Models Given Incompletely Observed Biomarkers and Covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 4729-45.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2013). Efficient Analysis of Q-Level Nested Hierarchical General Linear Models Given Ignorable Missing Data. International Journal of Biostatistics, 9(1), 109-133

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2012). Confidence Bounds and Power for the Reliability of Observational Measures on the Quality of a Social Setting. Psychometrika, 77, 543-560.

  Shin, Y. (2012). Do Black Children Benefit More from Small Classes? Multivariate Instrumental Variable Estimators with Ignorable Missing Data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 37, 543-574.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2011). The Causal Effect of Class Size on Academic Achievement: Multivariate Instrumental Variable Estimators with Data Missing at Random. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36, 154-185.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2010). A Latent Cluster Mean Approach to The Contextual Effects Model with Missing Data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 35, 26-53.

  Shin, Y. and Raudenbush, S.W. (2007). Just-Identified Versus Over-Identified Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Models with Missing Data. Biometrics, 63, 1262-68.

Book Chapters

  Shin, Y. (2013). Efficient Handling of Predictors and Outcomes Having Missing Values. In Rutkowski, L., von Davier, M., & Rutkowski, D. (Eds.), A Handbook of International Large-Scale Assessment Data Analysis: Background, technical issues, and methods of data analysis, London: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.

User-Friendly Software

  Shin, Y., Raudenbush, S.W., and Portillo, S. (2019). ML Estimation of Hierarchical Linear Models Given Missing Data: HLM2 with Missing Data

Grants Active

  Principal Investigator, "Moderation and Non-compliance in Multi-Site Trials with Measurement Error and Missing Data," Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education, R305D210022, $899,995, 3/1/2021-2/29/2024, Percent Effort: 35%.

  Co-Investigator (PI: John M. Quillin), "Racial disparities in cancer genetic counseling encounters in the naturalistic clinical setting," NIH/DHHS, $3,634,303, 7/2022-6/2027, Percent Effort: 2.5% in Year 1-4, 15% in Year 5.

Grants Pending

  Principal Investigator, "Causal effects of multilevel sequential educational interventions: Time varying confounding, moderation, and incomplete data," Submitted to IES, 08/01/2024 -7/31/2027, $899,961, Percent Effort: 32.81%.

  Principal Investigator, "Bayesian Estimation of Hierarchical Models from Incomplete Data: /Random Coefficients, Statistical Interactions, Polynomial Terms and Measurement Error," Submitted to NSF, 08/01/2024 -7/31/2027, $713,516, Percent Effort: 25%.

Grants Past
  Co-Investigator (PI: Nao Hagiwara), "Unveiling the role of physician implicit bias and communication behaviors in dissatisfication, mistrust and nonadherence in Black patients with Type 2 diabetes," NIH/DHHS, 7/2021-12/2022, Percent Effort: 1.25%

  Co-Investigator (PI: Evan Reiter), "Recovery from COVID-19 Associated Smell and Taste, Medarva," 8/2020-7/2021, $8,000, Percent Effort: 3.5%

  Co-Investigator (PI: Jennifer Elston-Lafata), "A Post-Visit Patient Portal Tool to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening," R01CA197205, NCI/NIH/DHHS, 8/2020-7/2021, No-cost extension, Percent Effort: 2.5%

  Principal Investigator, "Missing data analysis in hierarchical models for multisite randomized trials," VCU Presidential Research Quest Fund, 7/1/18-12/31/19, $40,000, Percent Effort: 12%

  Co-Investigator (PI: Jennifer Elston-Lafata), "A Post-Visit Patient Portal Tool to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening," R01CA197205, NCI/NIH/DHHS, 8/2015-7/2020, $2,979,522, Percent Effort: 10%

  Co-Investigator (PI: Shumei Sun), "Juvenile Protective Factors and Their Effects on Aging," R01AG048801, NIA/NIH/DHHS, 6/2016-05/2020, $1,476,309, Percent Effort: 20%

  Principal Investigator, "Accessible Methodology and User-Friendly Software for Multivariate Hierarchical Models Given Incomplete Data," Department of Education R305D130033, $899,942, 6/2013 - 5/2018.

  Principal Investigator (Subaward, PI: Stephen W. Raudenbush), "Learning from Variation in Program Effects: Methods, Tools, and Insights from Recent Multisite Trial," William T. Grant Foundation, $30,000, 1/2015-12/2015.

  Co-Investigator (PI: Shumei Sun), "Multilevel Longitudinal Models and Causal Networks for Childhood Obesity," NIH/NHLBI U01HL101064, $1,777,578, 9/2009 - 6/2014.

  Co-Investigator (PI: Shumei Sun), "Prolonged Juvenile State and Juvenile Protective Factors Affect Chronic Diseases," NIH/NICHD 1R01HD060913, $245,891, 3/2013 - 2/2014.

  Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Stephen W. Raudenbush), "Development of Accessible Methodologies and Software in Hierarchical Models with Missing Data," Department of Education R305D090022, $1,184,992, 3/2009 - 2/2013.

  Principal Investigator (Subaward, PI: Stephen W. Raudenbush), "Improving Studies of the Impact of Group Level Interventions on Program Quality and Youth Outcome," William T. Grant Foundation, $112,979, 1/2010-6/2013.

  Principal Investigator (Subaward, PI: Stephen W. Raudenbush), "Building Capacity to Evaluate Group-Level Interventions," William T. Grant Foundation, $40,297, 5/2009-12/2010.