Nikolov Lab Home Page
! MolScript v2.1 input file
! generated by MolAuto v1.1.1

window 35.0;
slab 400;
background grey 1.0;
  read mol "final.pdb";
     !For some reason this has to be after the macro

macro todraw
        in from A130 to A153

readmap mymap 2fofc.omap;
  transform atom * by centre position atom *
by rotation
  0.000488661 -0.344569 0.938761
  -0.49783 0.81408 0.299064
  -0.867274 -0.467489 -0.171139
by rotation
  -0.125091 0.332674 0.934709
  0.376724 0.887478 -0.265448
  -0.917841 0.318922 -0.236342
by rotation
  0.983747 -0.141296 0.110807
  0.108602 0.959619 0.259493
  -0.142998 -0.243241 0.959367
by rotation
  0.988477 -0.135687 -0.067098
  0.111642 0.952844 -0.282179
  0.102222 0.271436 0.957013

by translation -5 -5 0
by rotation y -3.0     !stereo

     set bsurf 0;
     set maptype 0;
     !set mapthresh 1.0;
     set linecolour deepskyblue;
     set linewidth 0.2;
     set mapradius 1.5;
    contour mymap at 1.4 covering $todraw;

  set segments 3;

set atomcolour atom N* mediumblue,
         atomcolour atom O* crimson,
         atomcolour atom S* forestgreen,
         atomcolour atom P* purple,
         atomcolour atom C* gold,
         atomradius atom * .75,
         colourparts on;

ball-and-stick $todraw;

