This list is probably out of date, particularly citation information. For an updated list check Medline.




Eliez S, Rumsey JM, Giedd JN, Schmitt JE, Patwardhan AJ, Reiss AL. Morphological alteration of temporal lobe gray matter in dyslexia: An MRI study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 41(5), 637-44.(2000)


Eliez, S, Blasey CM, Menon V, Schmitt JE, White CD, Reiss AL. Mathemetical Reasoning Abilities in Velo-cardio-facial syndrome. Journal of the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(2), 264-6. (2000).


Reiss AL, Eliez S, Schmitt JE, Zona L, Jones W, Bellugi U. Neuroanatomy of Williams Syndrome. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 12(1 Suppl), 65-73. (2000).


Eliez S, Schmitt JE, White CD, Reiss AL. Children and Adolescents with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome: a Volumetric MRI Study. American Journal of Psychiatry. 157(3), 409-415. (2000).


Eliez S, Schmitt JE, White CD,  Reiss AL. Enfants et adolescents atteints du syndrome vélo-cardio-facial: Une étude quantitative du développement cérébral à l'aide de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire. Medecine et Hygiene. (2000)


Pinter J, Brown W, Eliez S, Capone G, Schmitt JE, Reiss AL. Amygdala and Hippocampal Volumes in Children with Downs Syndrome: A High Resolution MRI Study. Neurology. 56(7) 972-4. (2001).


Eliez S, Blasey CM, White CD, Menon V, Schmitt JE, Reiss AL. A structural and Functional Brain Imaging Study of Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (del22q11.2). Genetics in Medicine. Jan-Feb;3(1):49-55. (2001)


Pinter J, Eliez S, Schmitt JE, Capone G, Reiss AL. Neuroanatomy of Down Syndrome: A High-Resolution MRI Study. American Journal of Psychiatry. 158: 1659-1665 (2001).


Eliez S, Blasey CM, Schmitt JE, White CD, Hu D, Reiss AL. Velo-cardio-facial syndrome: Are structural changes in the temporal and mesial temporal regions related to schizophrenia? American Journal of Psychiatry. 158(3), 447-53. (2001).


Eliez S, Schmitt JE, White CD, Wellis VG, Reiss AL. A Quantitative MRI study of Posterior Fossa Development in Velo-cardio-facial Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry.  49(6), 540-6. (2001).


Galaburda A, Schmitt JE,  Atlas SW, Eliez S, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Dorsal Forebrain Anomaly in Williams Syndrome. Archives of Neurology. 58:11 1865-9. (2001).


Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Warsofsky IS, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Enlarged cerebellar vermis in Williams syndrome. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 35:4 225-9. (2001).


Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Analysis of Cerebral Shape in Williams Syndrome. Archives of Neurology.  58(2), 283-7. (2001).


Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Warsofsky IS, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Corpus Callosum Morphology of Williams Syndrome: Relationship to Genetics and Behavior. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 43(3), 155-9. (2001).


Eliez S, Barnea-Goraly N, Schmitt JE, Liu Y, Reiss AL. Increased basal ganglia volumes in velo-cardio-facial syndrome (deletion 22q11.2). Biological Psychiatry. Jul 1;52(1):68-70. (2002).


Schmitt JE, Watts K, Eliez S, Galaburda AM, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Increased gyrification in Williams syndrome: Evidence using 3D MRI methods. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 44(5), 292-5. (2002).


Levitin DJ, Menon V, Schmitt JE, Eliez S, White CD, Glover GH, Kadis J, Korenberg JR, Bellugi U, Reiss AL. Neural correlates of auditory perception in Williams syndrome: an fMRI study. NeuroImage. Jan;18(1):74-82. (2003).


Schmitt JE, Prescott CA, Neale MC, Kendler KS. Differential Heritability of tobacco based on method of administration. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 8(1), 60-2. (2005).


Shaer M, Schmitt JE, Glaser B, Lazeyras F, Delavelle J, Eliez S. Abnormal patterns of cortical gyrification in velo-cardio-facial/DiGeorge syndrome (deletion 22q11.2): a magnetic resonance imaging study. Psychiatry Research. 146(1): 1-11. (2006).


Schmitt JE, Mehta P, Aggen S, Kubarych T, Neale MC. Semi-nonparametric methods for detecting latent non-normality; a fusion of latent trait and ordered latent class modeling. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 41(4): 427-443. (2006).


Schmitt JE, Wallace GL, Rosenthal MA, Ordaz, S.J., Malloy EA, Clasen LS, Blumenthal JD, Rose AB, Kendler KS, Neale MC, Giedd, JN. Multivariate analyses of neuroanatomy in a genetically informative pediatric sample. NeuroImage. 35(1): 70-82. (2007).


Wallace GL, Schmitt JE, Rosenthal MA, Malloy EA, Clasen LS, Blumenthal JD, Kendler KS, Neale MC, Rose AB, Giedd, JN. Genetic influences on brain morphometry: A pediatric MRI study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 47(10):987-93. (2006).


Medland SE, Schmitt JE, Webb BT, Kuo P, Neale MC. Efficient calculation of empirical p-values for genome wide linkage analysis through weighted permutation. Genetic Epidemiology. Under review.


Schmitt JE, Lenroot R, Wallace GL, Taylor KT, Greenstein D, Giedd JN, Kendler KS, Neale MC. Identification of genetically-mediated cortical networks; a family-based MRI study. Cerebral Cortex. Under review.


Kendler KS, Schmitt JE, Aggen SA, Prescott CA. Genetic and environmental influences on alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, and nicotine use across the life cycle. Archives of General Psychiatry. Under revision.


Lenroot R, Schmitt JE, Ordaz SE, Wallace GL, Neale MC, Lerch JP, Kendler KS, Giedd JN. Quantitative genetic analysis of cortical thickness in a pediatric twin population. Human Brain Mapping. Under revision.


Schmitt JE, Lenroot R, Lerch JP, Ordaz SE, Wallace GL, Neale MC, Kendler KS, Giedd JN. Variance Decomposition of MRI-Based Covariance Maps using Genetically-Informative Samples and Structural Equation Modeling. NeuroImage. Submitted.



Review Papers:


Reiss AL, Eliez S, Schmitt JE, Pathwardan AJ, Haberecht M. Brain Imaging in Neurogenetic Conditions: Realizing the Potential of Behavioral Neurogenetics Research. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Review. 6(3):186-97. (2000).


Schmitt JE. Williams syndrome: Recent developments. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 14:451-456. (2001).


Giedd JN, Schmitt JE, Neale MC. Structural brain magnetic resonance imaging of pediatric twins. Human Brain Mapping. 28(6): 474-81.


Neale MC, Aggen SH, Maes HH, Kubarych T, Schmitt JE. Methodological issues in the assessment of substance use phenotypes. Addictive Behavior. 31(6): 1010-34. (2006)


Schmitt JE, Eyler L, Kendler KS, Giedd JN, Eyler L, Kremen WS, Neale MC. Review of Twin and Family Studies on Neuroanatomic Phenotypes. Twin Research and Human Genetics.



Book Chapters:


Reiss AL, Eliez S, Schmitt JE, Straus E, Lai Z, Jones W, Bellugi

U. Neuroanatomy of Williams syndrome:  A high resolution MRI study.  In U.  Bellugi & M. St. George (Eds.), Journey from cognition to brain to gene: Perspectives from Williams syndrome .  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (2001).


Galaburda AM, Schmitt JE.  Neuroanatomic Considerations Specific to the Study of Neurogenetics.  In: Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders (Gene S. Fisch, ed.), Totowana, NJ: Humana Press. (2003).


Neale MC, Schmitt JE. Quantitative genetics and structural equation modeling in the age of modern neuroscience. In T. Cannon (Ed.). The Genetics of Cognitive Neuroscience Phenotypes. Society for Neuroscience conference, short course II. (2005).




Selected Abstracts:


Schmitt JE, Lenroot R, Lerch JP, Wallace GL, Greenstein D, Evans AC, Kendler KS, Giedd JN, Neale MC. Analyses of Cortical Thickness in a Genetically-Informative Pediatric Sample.  Abstract, Integrating Imaging and Genetics in Cognitive Research (2007).


Kendler KS, Gardner C, Aggen S, Schmitt JE, Myers J, Jacobson KC, L Eaves, CA Prescott. Genetically Informative Developmental Models for Externalizing Traits and Disorders. Abstract, International Society for Psychiatic Genetics (2007).


Schmitt JE, Lenroot L, Wallace G, Neale MC, Giedd JN. The Genetics of Neurodevelopment: Methods and Results from the NIMH Pediatric Twin Study. Abstract, Behavioral Genetics Association (2007).


Fennema-Notestine C, Eyler LT, Schmitt JE, Lyons MJ, Franz CE, Eisen SA, Fischl B, Seidman LJ, Makris N, Neale M, Thermenos H, Perry M, Pacheco J, Grant M, Tsuang MT, Dale A, Kremen WS. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Brain Structures in 320 Adult Twins:   The VETSA Project. Abstract, Human Brain Mapping (2007).


Rimol LM, Kremen W,  Hagler D, Fennema-Notestine C, Eyler LT, Panizzon M, Neale MC, Schmitt JE, Lyons MJ, Franz CE, Fischl B, Seidman LJ, Makris N, Perry M, Pecheco J, Dale A. Heritability of cortical thickness in a large adult twin sample:  The VETSA Project. Abstract, Human Brain Mapping (2007).


Kremen WS, Schmitt JE, Fennema-Notestine C,  Eyler LT, Lyons MJ, Franz CE, Neale MC, Eisen SA, Fischl B, Seidman LJ, Makris N, Tsuang MT, Pacheco J, Perry ME,  Thermenos HW, Xian H, Dale AM. Age Moderation of Heritability for Selected Brain Structure Volumes: A Twin Study of Men in their 50s. Abstract, Behavioral Genetics Association (2007).


Mitchell KS, Mazozzo S, Schmitt JE, Neale MC. Assessing Violations of the Equal Environments Assumption with a Finite Mixture Distribution Model. Abstract, Behavioral Genetics Association (2007).


Lenroot R, Schmitt JE, Ordaz S, Wallace GL, Neale MC, Lerch JP, Giedd JN. Heritability of Cortical Thickness During Childhood and Adolescence. Abstract, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. (2006).


Neale MC, Aggen S, Schmitt JE. Non-normality in the latent trait of depression: fact or artifact? Abstract, Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology. (2006).


Ordaz S, Rosenthal M, Taylor K, Rose AB, Blumenthal J, Clasen L, Liu H, Greenstein D, Schmitt JE, Neale M, Zijdenbos A, Giedd J. Heritability of Child and Adolescent Cerebellar Morphometry. Poster, Behavioral Genetics Association. (2005).


Eliez S, Antonarakis SE, Schmitt JE, Blasey CM, Barnea-Goraly N, Reiss AL. Velocardiofacial syndrome (deletion 22q11.2): A fascinating developmental model for schizophrenia genetic imprinting. Biological Psychiatry. 49 (8):79S. (2001).


Boyett-Anderson JM, Lyons DM, Saywer-Glover AM, Alley M, Schmitt JE, Buckmaster C, Menon V. fMRI of olfactory processing in unconscious squirrel monkeys (samiri sciureus) Abstract, Society for Neuroscience. (2001).


Reiss AL, Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Menon V, Watts K, Galaburda AM, Bellugi U. Neuroanatomy of Williams syndrome. Abstract, Society for Neuroscience. (2001).


Lyons DM,  Eliez S, Schmitt JE,  Buckmaster C, Reiss AL, Schatzberg AF. Neuroanatomical Correlates of Stress and Cognitive Aging in Monkeys: Evidence from Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Abstract, Society for Neuroscience. (2001).