ADK Cell Library-based Design From VHDL Synthesis
1. Create a behavioral VHDL description of the chip1 design
1.1 If not already there, move back to your
tutorial directory:
>> cd egre429
>> mkdir lab7
>>cd lab7
1.2 Open a new VHDL file called
adder.vhd and using your favorite
text editor and enter the following VHDL description into the file:
Note that the IEEE std_logic_1164 and
packages are used in this description. These packages are supported by
the Leonardo Spectrum synthesis tool. For more details on the VHDL
syntax supported for synthesis, see the Leonardo Spectrum HDL Synthesis
Guide (/mentor/exemplar/doc/hdl_syn.pdf).
1.3 Compile the VHDL file:
>>vlib work
>>vmap work ./work
>>vcom adder.vhd
You should see the following lines printed out with no errors:
Model Technology ModelSim EE vcom 5.3d Compiler
2000.02 Feb 4 2000
-- Loading package standard
-- Loading package std_logic_1164
-- Loading package numeric_std
-- Compiling entity adder1
-- Compiling architecture behavior of adder1
2. Simulate the VHDL model
The VHDL model should be functionally simulated to ensure
correct operation before it is synthesized.
2.1 Invoke the ModelSim simulator
on the
adder1 design:
2.2 You should see a display like the one below:
2.3 Use the View->Signals... menu item
to bring up the Signals display. Use the View->Wave->Signals
in design menu item in the Signals window to create a Wave
window. Finally, force values on each of the input signals using the Force...
menu item in the Signals window and run the simulation using the
menu item in the main window. The resulting Wave window should look
like this:
2.4 Exit the ModelSim simulator
using the
File->Quit menu item in the main window.
3. Synthesize the VHDL models to ADK parts
3.1 Invoke the Exemplar Leonardo
synthesis tool:
A Leonardo Spectrum window like the one below should appear.
Click off the
Run Wizard at Startup button
in the
INPUT FILES box and click
3.3 Use the Tools->Variable Editor... item from the pull down
menus to bring up the System Variables dialog box. Select the edifout_power_ground_style_is_net
variable and set it to TRUE. Use the same method to set the max_fanout_load
variable to 14, the force_user_load_values variable to TRUE,
the vhdl_write_component_package variable to FALSE, and the
variable to library IEEE, adk; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use adk.all;
Note that you can use a transcript file in Leonardo
to set these variables faster for you in the future.
3.4 In the main window, click on the
button in the Quick Setup tab and select the adder.vhd
file. Select ASIC->ADK->ami0.5(fast) in the Technologies
box. Make sure that the Insert I/O Pads button is off.
Select the Output tab and make set the Format to EDIF. Go
back to the Quick Setup tab and click the Run button.
Note that only a simple area optimization was done during
the synthesis process. If more complex optimizations, including optimizations
for speed, are desired, consult the
Leonardo Spectrum User's Guide
for details (/mentor/exemplar/leo_user.pdf).
3.5 Click on the output tab and set the Format item to VHDL.
sure that you change the filename to adder_str.vhd or
Leonardo will overwrite your VHDL source file! After you have confirmed
that you have changed the name in the Filename item, click Write.
3.6 Exit
Leonardo by using the
menu item in the
Leonardo Spectrum window.
4. Simulate the synthesized design in VHDL to be sure it functions correctly
After the VHDL model is synthesized, it is always a good idea
to functionally simulate the resulting design to ensure it functions correctly
and the output matches the behavioral description. There are some legal,
synthesizable VHDL constructs that, when synthesized, will not produce
the same output as the functional description and synthesis tools have
been know on rare occasions to produce incorrect results...
4.1 Map the compiled library of VHDL descriptions for the ADK parts
into the proper location to compile the post-synthesis structural description
(this library has been pre-compiled for you):
4.2 Compile the VHDL structural description:
>>vcom adder_str.vhd
4.3 Simulate the structural description of the adder:
>>vsim adder1
Use the View->Signals... menu item to bring up the Signals
display. Use the View->Wave->Signals in design menu item in the
window to create a Wave window. Finally, force values on each of
the input signals using the Force... menu item in the
window and run the simulation using the
Run->100ns menu item in
the main window. The resulting Wave window should look like this:
5. Create a symbol and schematic for the synthesized part
After the VHDL model is synthesized, a new symbol and
schematic will be generated for it. If the part is synthesized in the same
directory as the VHDL description, the new symbol will overwrite the old
one, making it difficult to go back and resimulate the VHDL model if it
is necessary to change it. To avoid this problem, it is best to generate
the symbol and schematic in a separate directory.
5.1 Create a directory called "netlist" (the
name isn't important) to hold the symbol and schematic:
>>mkdir netlist
>>cd netlist
Now it is possible to copy the EDIF netlist source file into this directory,
but then if changes are necessary, keeping both copies updated to the latest
version can be a problem. Therefore, it is better to create a Unix link
to the original source code in this directory. That way, only one copy
of the source code exists and version control is not a problem:
The edif2eddm command reads in the EDIF file created
by Leonardo and creates a Mentor Graphics database and
for the design. The database is placed under a new directory called "work."
5.2 Invoke the edif2eddm tool
on the adder1.edf file generated by Leonardo :
Invoke DA to generate a symbol for the synthesized
5.3 Click on the Open Symbol button and use the
button in the Open Symbol dialog box to go into the "work" directory
and select the adder1 component. Click
OK in the Open
Symbol dialog box.
5.4 A symbol window will open and a symbol for the synthesized
part will be created within it. The resulting symbol should look like the
one below. You may want to use the Properties->Add->Add Single Property...
item from the pop up menus to add comp and inst properties
to the symbol before you check and save it.
5.5 Check and Save the symbol and exit
5.6 Now you will use the Mentor Graphics schematic
generator (sg) tool to generate a schematic
for the design from the netlist. Invoke the sg tool:
>>sg &
5.7 Use the
File->Open Design from Viewpoint...
menu item to bring up the
Open Design from Viewpoint dialog box.
Click on the
Navigator... button and go into the "work" directory
and into the
adder1 component. Select the
adder1 component
with the
folder next to it and click
OK in the
Open Design from Viewpoint
dialog box. A blank schematic window will appear in the
sg tool
9.2 Use the Setup->Symbol->Use Genlib Classification
menu item to setup the symbol classifications and then use the Partition
Setup... command from the pop up menus (right mouse button) to bring
up the Partition Setup dialog box. Click on the Number of Sheets
button, make sure the Number of Sheets item is set to 1 and click
. Use the Generate item from the pop up menus to generate a schematic
like the one below:
9.3 Use the File->Save menu item to save the schematic
and exit the sg tool.
The schematic created uses ADK library parts which have
an underlying transistor-level design and an IC layout associated with
them. You can now use the schematic of the synthesized design to perform
a transistor-level functional simulation with Accusim (recommended) as
described in lab 1, or proceed to ICStation and layout
the design using either manual or fully automated placement and routing
as described in lab 8.