Electromagnetic Waves - Examples

The Gravitational Field

Lab in rocket moving near speed of light Suppose you are in a laboratory inside a spaceship moving near the speed of electromagnetic waves.

If you see the usual laws of electricity and magnetism inside your laboratory, then you must see e-m waves travel at m/s inside your laboratory.

Examples --- What this is an example of

Detectors were soon improved but, for many years, radio transmitters sent SOS messages by sparks crashing through the air in Morse code dots and dashes.
...---... ...---... ...---...
Examples --- What this is an example of
The above image is from a painting by J. Clary and is used here with his permission.

Radio waves from electrical storms on the planet Jupiter reach us after traveling for hours through nothing at all.

Radio waves from distant galaxies reach us after traveling for millions of years through the emptiest space imaginable.

Examples --- What this is an example of

Many types of radiation are just electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths: All of these travel through vacuum at m/s.

This speed is usually called the "speed of light" and is represented by the letter c.

Examples --- What this is an example of