Management Assignment

The student will be required to complete 3 papers. Each paper should be typed, double space. Length of the paper will vary pending the assignment. Please see below.

Personnel Management
Discuss the different theories of management and how they apply to different work environments. Determine which one works best for you and for the health care community. From what you have seen in the clinic give examples of what works and what does not work. This paper should be at least 4 pages in length and it is worth 100 points.

You are the Chief Technologist and your administrator has asked you to market your department. Knowing the 4-P and your target market, determine how you would "sell" your facility to the public. Your NMT facility can be a cardiology clinic, PET (mobile or stationary), or part of the hospital complex. It's your choice. The key to all this is to market your product (health care) in the target market. This paper should be at least 2 pages long and is worth 50 points.

Purchasing Capital Equipment or Justification of hiring a new employee
The question is .. how are you going to justify a need? It can be that you need another FTE or a new piece of equipment. Many times the scientific approach works best, but it's really your call. The key is justify it! Prove that you need what you are asking for. How would you go about doing that? This paper is worth 50 points and must be at least 2-pages long.

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