Brief Overview on Quantification and 3-D Imaging

  1. Regions of Interest (ROI) [Quantification]
    1. The example used is a renal study where a radiopharmaceutical passes though the kidney and is excreted within the bladder
    2. 2kidneysall.jpg - 21860 Bytes

    3. Following the collection of data, images are displayed
    4. 2kidneysrois.jpg - 14068 Bytes

    5. ROIs are then drawn over the right and left kidneys
    6. ROIs are also drawn below the lower poles of both kidneys and are defined as background (bkg)
    7. Bkg is then subtracted from each ROI calculation of both kidneys
    8. Computer then calculated the activity passing through each kidney
    9. 3renogramcurve.jpg - 26103 Bytes

    10. This data is then displayed as a time-activity curve which shows the radiopharmaceutical passing though the kidneys over time
    11. This type of quantification defines renal function
    12. The name of the radiopharmaceutical used is Tc99mMAG-3

  2. SPECT imaging (note - this is a very basic explanation)
    1. SPECT is in many ways very much like a CT scan in radiology
    2. The differences are: the radiation source and physiology vs. anatomy


      4backprojection.jpg - 21038 Bytes

    1. The above image shows how a how a detector or a set of detectors collect information on a 360 radius around the organ of interest
    2. A SPECT system can have one to three detectors
    3. The following acquisition parameters are used, however, this data will vary pending what you are imaging:
      1. 64 stops (in a 360 degree rotation)
      2. 30 seconds per stop
      3. 64 by 64 matrix

        brainanimay.gif - 18929 Bytes

    4. Once the data is collected it can be displayed in a cine format which are all 64 planner images rotating on an axis (The exam used here is a Brain SPECT)
    5. Basic comments on processing
      1. Images are the backprojected onto each other
      2. Backprojection is lined up along the same matrix of each image
      3. The results is a sum of all projections respective to all angles (64) that allows for processing a new images at any angle
      4. 2spectangles.jpg - 28507 Bytes

      5. Usually the angles are defined as: transverse (frontal), sagittal, and coronal
      6. In is important to realized that the concept presented today is very basic
      7. Images can be filtered to smooth out the data, reducing noise and scatter

      2moyamoya.jpg - 13274 Bytes

    6. From the above rotating SPECT images the three types of slices are displayed (see above image)
    7. It should be noted that the these slices are only 2 pixels thick and that 20 additional slices per each transverse, sagittal, and coronal projections where generated
    8. Note the lack of uptake in the frontal lobe of the brain
    9. Moya Moya disease is usually a childhood disease that is caused by the lack of blood flow to certain parts of the brain

  3. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
    1. PET detects gamma radiation that occurs from positron decay
    2. F-18 FDG is the most common radiopharmaceutical used for this type of study
    3. FDG goes to any site in the body that has high glucose turnover
    4. Brain, myocardium, and many types of cancer utilize a lot of glucose
    5. As F-18 decays by the release of a positrons, at rest mass it emits two gammas at 180 degrees with 511 keV of energy
    6. By the process of coincidence detection, a PET system detects and will record any two incoming gammas that strike the crystal at opposite ends, at the same time
    7. Hence, this imaging system records exactly where the annihilation reaction occurred
    8. Types of PET systems
      1. Detected system - Looks a lot like a CT camera, however, it is composed of a ring of crystals
      2. Modified SPECT/PET system uses two detectors heads that are places at 180 degrees of each other
      3. Note: A SPECT system must be modified before it can use in coincidence detection
  4. Computerized Tomography (CT)
    1. While this radiographic instrument stands alone in acquiring anatomical "slices of the body" nuclear medicine can also apply this technology
    2. SPECT and/or PET equipment can be combined with a CT unit
      1. Creates a concept known as fusion - combining two procedures into one
      2. Allows to analyze the area of interest by overlaying anatomical and physiological images
    3. CT can also be used to correct for gamma ray attenuation within the area of interest. This is known as attenuation correction

Example of PET and CT and PET/CT fusion

  1. For additional information on SPECT and PET imaging the following sites are recommended

    Atlas of Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (
    70 teaching cases with color SPECT images and clinical information, explanations, self quiz, and slide shows.

    SPECT - Anatomy of the Brain (
    This page contains pointers to various slices of the normal adult human brain (transaxial views), as imaged using high resolution SPECT and T2-weighted MRI. Images have been selected across 21 slices in the transaxial plane.

    Philips Medical (
    Here is one of the companies that actually makes PET/CT scanners. It links PET/CT and SPECT/CT.

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