Introduction to Bioinformatics (Fall 2002)
Questionnaire on notes: Parsing programs
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I. Basic Information and Miscellaneous

A. Your name 

B. Bioinformatics by David Mount, a suggested text for the course, hasn't played much of a role thus far, but it could for many of the scenarios from here on out, and it would be useful for us to know whether people in the course have the book in hand. Do you have a copy of the book? 

II. Mechanics
A. Were you able to download and install Blast successfully to your own computer? 
B. Were you able to download the set of proteins from E. coli K-12 and from one of the two pathogenic E. coli to your own computer? 

C. Were you able to run FormatDB to create a database of proteins from E. coli K-12? 

D. Were you able to run BlastAll to compare the set of proteins of the pathogenic strain against the database of K-12 protein, producing a file with a size of about 40 megabytes? 

E. Were you able to examine a portion of the output of the program by using DR (or by any other means)? 
Comments for questions II.A through II.E:

III. Parsing the output from Blast
A. Do you know where to find each of the seven items listed in the notes (e.g. Query name) in the output from Blast? 

B. Do you know where each of the seven items in the output of BlastParser comes from? 

C. Were you able to modify and run BlastParser so that it opened the file you created with BlastAll? (If you couldn't, make sure that you downloaded BlastParser into the same directory as the output from Blast, presumably /Blast, and that you are in that directory when you try to run the program) 
Comments for questions III.A through II.C:

IV. Regular expressions, capturing matched patterns, arrays
A. How comfortable are you with interpretting and using character classes in regular expressions, to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Example:
    my ($query, $query_description) = /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;

B. How comfortable are you with interpretting and using repetition symbols in regular expressions, to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Example:
    my ($query, $query_description) = /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;

C. How comfortable are you with interpretting and using expressions that capture matched patterns, to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Examples:
     my ($query, $query_description) = /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;
  $subject_description = $3;

D. How comfortable are you with the concept of arrays, to the arrays are used in Blast Parser? Examples:
    @query_info = ($query, $query_description, $query_length);
    push @query_info, $subject_name, $subject_description, $subject_length,
    my $result_line = join("\t", @query_info);     # "\t" = tab character

Comments for questions IV.A and IV.D:
V. Design your class
A. Please choose up to three study questions that you would most like discussed in class:
B. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have. E.g., Need 1-to-1 help with Perl? Not getting much out of the book? Aaaargggh?


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