Introduction to Bioinformatics (Fall 2002)
Questionnaire on notes: Introduction to Programming
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Perl Nuts and Bolts
A. Did you successfully download Perl onto your own computer? 
B. Did you successfully run any Perl program? 
C. Do you feel comfortable editing a Perl program? 
III. Programming
A. How many different variables do you count in the first 10 non-blank lines of the program bottles
B. Translate the following into plain English: $number_of_bottles = $number_of_bottles - 1;
C. Explain in brief what the section of the program beginning sub print_beer does. (If you can't understand the program, try working backwards from the output and the part of the program you DO understand)

D. Please check the questions below you had trouble with and could use some help (your version may not be numbered, sorry):

1. Sasparilla  2. German 3. - to +  4-7. dog variations  8. 1st two lines
E. Do you have any idea what a Babelfish is? 

IV. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have. E.g., Things moving too fast? Bored to tears?



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