from Webster's 7th New Collegiate unless noted

archetype - the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies...
also, a Platonic idea.
(Instructor's note: both of these definitions only hint at the way we use this word in class.
My definition is based on Jungian thinking:
an image or symbol shared by mankind throughout the ages and continents,
thusly imbued with intense psychological content.
example - "the eternal flame", once essential for safety of a tribe,
now merely a powerful symbol of respect or endurance.)

consciousness - awareness, especially of something within oneself...
the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition & thought: MIND...
the upper level of mental life as contrasted with unconscious processes.

dream - a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep.
A visionary creation of the imagination: Daydream.
A state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality: reverie.

ego - the conscious part of the personality that is derived from the id through contacts with reality and that mediates the demands of the id, superego, and external reality.

id - the undifferentiated source of the organism's energy from which both ego and libido are derived.

instinct - a complex and specific response by an organism to an environmental stimuli that is largely hereditary and unalterable, does not involve reason, and has as its goal the removal of a "somatic" (inst. note: physical, relating to the body) tension.
also, Behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level.

intuition - immediate apprehension or cognition;
the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought and inference.
(Instructor's note: the use of the word "rational" here is key, for it refers to the conscious thought process, as opposed to the "irrational", represented by the unknown subconscious).

mandala - a /Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe; specifically, a circle enclosing a square with a deity on each side.
(Instructor's note: triangles, etc. are also found within mandalas).

menhir - a single upright rude monolith usually of prehistoric origin.

myth - usually a traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief or natural phenomenon.
(Instructor's note: notice the relationship between this word and "archetype" and "symbol").



neurosis - a functional nervous disorder without demonstrable physical lesion.
(Instructor's note: a neurosis is a demonstration of the "compartmentalization" ability of the human mind; for the conscious part of the brain to be unaware of what should be conscious activity.
It was in studying such anomalies that Freud discovered the "role" or significance of the subconscious).

pathology - the anatomic and physiologic deviations from the normal that constitute or characterize disease (Instructor's note: by implication, here, mental disease, as well).

primeval - of or relating to the earliest ages

primitive - not derived; original, primary.
Of or relating to the earliest age or period (primeval).
Little evolved and closely approximating an early ancestral type.
Elemental, natural.
...of or relating to a relatively simple people or culture.

psyche - (A beautiful woman of ancient mythology loved by Cupid).
Greek for "soul" or the "mind"
(Instructor's note: In modern psychology, the psyche is taken to be an aggregate of the constituent parts that make up our "selves": a more complex mental organism than was envisioned by the Greeks)

psychic - of or relating to the psyche.
Lying outside the spheres of physical science or knowledge: immaterial, moral, or spiritual in origin or force.
Sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences.

psychology - the science of mind and behavior.
The mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or group.

shaman - a priest who uses magic to cure the sick, to divine the hidden, and to control events.

subconscious - existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness.
also, the mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness.

superego - a major sector of the psyche that is only partly conscious and that aids in character formation by reflecting parental conscience and the rules of society.

symbol - something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance, especially a visible sign of something invisible. act, sound or object having cultural significance and the capacity to excite or objectify a response.
(Instructor's note: the use of this word, for purposes of modern psychology and this class,
indicates more than one idea represented by a single concept or object, such as in a dream,
or an effort on the part of mankind to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown with symbolism, such as an archetype or religious imagery.)


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