Prerequisite: MATH 201 Text: Book of Proof, By Richard Hammack This class is an introduction to methods of reasoning used in advanced mathematics. It will probably be a turning point in your mathematical education. In your prior mathematics courses you were primarily concerned with finding solutions to computational problems. MATH 300 is more theoretical. It is concerned with the methods of verifying (proving) whether mathematical statements are true or false. This demands lots of thought, work and writing from you.
Participation: Participation means that you in some way demonstrate intellectual involvement in the course. It does not necessarily mean that you ask questions and volunteer answers. Active participation may include your working lots of exercises, taking advantage of office hours, and displaying preparedness, dedication and intellectual curiosity. Things that could cause you to lose participation points include sleeping in class, leaving your cell phone on, texting in class, missing too much class, and rude behavior. (Not that I expect you would do any of these things!) Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive, covering all material discussed in class. It is closed-book and closed-notes. It is scheduled for 1:00–3:50 PM on Thursday May 3. In writing the final exam, I will assume that you have been studying the material at least 6 hours per week outside of class, throughout the entire semester.
Attendance: I do not take attendance, but I do notice if you are not attending class. If your grades are high, I do not mind if you miss class occasionally; otherwise, excessive absences may result in a reduced participation score. As a matter of courtesy, you should arrive punctually and stay for the entire duration of each class you attend. Please inform me ahead of time if you must leave early.
Cell Phones: Please be sure that all cell phones and other electronic devices (including iPods, BlackBerries and laptops) are turned off and stowed away for the entire duration of each class. Leaving such devices on may lower your participation score. Office: Please feel free to stop by my office whenever you have a question,
or if you just want to chat. If my posted hours are inconvenient, I will be
happy to schedule an appointment.
Tell me if you are having trouble. Catching up can be very difficult once
you get behind, so let me know as soon as you think there is a problem.
The following information is required on all VCU syllabi. VCU Honor System: All VCU students are presumed upon enrollment to have acquainted themselves with and have an understanding of the Honor System. Therefore, it is a student's responsibility to ask course instructors to clarify expectations for each assignment in order to be in compliance with the Honor System. The 2007 - 8 VCU Honor System policy statement and purpose is located at Classroom Conduct: Professional conduct will be expected at all times. A description of the VCU Student Conduct in Instructional Settings Policy can be found at: |