Introductory Logic
Quiz #1
September 12, 2005
Richard Hammack
Score _________

DIRECTIONS. Each of the following passages may or may not be an argument. For each passage, say whether or not it is an argument. If it is an argument, underline the conclusion and say whether the argument is deductive or inductive.

(1) Thinking is a function of man's immortal soul. God has given an immortal soul to every man and woman, but not to any other animal or to machines. Hence no animal or machine can think.

ARGUMENT --- conclusion is highlighted. It's Inductive: the premises don't rule out the possibility that an animal or machine might obtain an immortal soul (hence the ability to think) through some means other than God.
(However, if you think that the presence of the word "God" implies an unstated premise to the effect that an immortal sould could only be given by God --- or even that Alan Turing would never pose an inductive argument --- then you could make the case that this argument is actually deductive.)

(2) If students wish to take courses at summer schools other than Randolph-Macon's, they must choose only summer schools associated with regionally accredited institutions.

NOT AN ARGUMENT (conditional statement)

(3) Radioactive fallout isn't the only concern in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. The nations of the planet Earth have acquired nuclear weapons with an explosive power equal to more than a million Hiroshima bombs. Studies suggest that explosion of only half these weapons would produce enough soot, smoke and dust to blanket the Earth, block out the sun, and bring on a nuclear winter that would threaten the survival of the human race.

ARGUMENT --- conclusion is highlighted
It's an inductive argument, for if the studies are wrong, it's possible that radioactive fallout really is the only concern.

(4) Professor Hammack drives a 17-year-old Volkswagen, so the college must not pay him very well.

ARGUMENT --- conclusion is highlighted
Inductive: He might have a great salary, but just really likes the old car.

(5) Since Shakespeare wrote many plays, and anyone who can write a play is literate, then it follows that Shakespeare was literate.

--- conclusion is highlighted