Abstract Algebra II
MATH 602
Virginia Commonwealth University

Spring 2013
MW 1:302:45
Harris Hall 4145

Instructor: Richard Hammack
Office hours:
Office: Harris Hall 4105
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00–12:00
Work: 828-6237
Tuesday 1:00–2:00
Home: 353-8572
and by appointment
E-mail: rhammack @ vcu . edu

Prerequisite: MATH 601 (Abstract Algebra I)

Text: Abstract Algebra, Third Edition, By D. Dummit and R. Foote   (ISBN 978-0-471-43334-7)

This course is a continuation of MATH 601, and builds on the themes of that course. We will study polynomial rings, module theory, field theory and Galois theory. The course covers material selected from Chapters 9 through 14 of the text. Your grade is determined by written assignments, a midterm, and a final exam. Details follow.
Written Assignments are collected, graded and returned. Assignments are announced in class, and also posted on the course calendar (on the web page).
  • Papers are collected at the beginning of class on appointed days.
  • If you must miss class when homework is due, give it to me early or have a classmate turn it in for you.
  • Please note that I sometimes do not print emailed work, so it may not get any written feedback from me.
  • I expect complete sentences (where appropriate) and good English usage.
  • I encourage you to work together on assignments, though the work you turn in must be your own.
  • In addition to the work you hand in, you should work lots of extra problems for practice.
  • Resist the temptation to search for solutions on the Internet. (Many are wrong, anyway.)
  • Some assigned problems are intended to make you think about ideas not discussed in class.
Midterm: The midterm is tentatively scheduled for March 14. The actual date may vary depending on student input. It is an in-class and closed-book test.

Final Exam: The final exam covers all material discussed in class after the midterm. It is closed-book and closed-notes. Given that our non-standard meeting time spreads across two blocks, we have a choice of final exam days. The exam will be 1:003:50, either on Friday May 3 or Monday May 6, according to student input. In writing the final exam, I will assume that you have been studying the material at least 8 hours per week outside of class, throughout the entire semester.

The 10-point grading scale is used:
A: 90100
B: 8089
C: 7079
D: 6069
F: 059

Your final average will be computed as follows:

Final Exam:


Attendance: I do not take attendance. Please be aware that you are responsible for all material covered in class

Make-up Work:
If you miss the midterm for an illness or emergency, then we can discuss the details of a makeup. If you miss the final exam for a legitimate reason (i.e. a documented illness or emergency) then I can give you a grade of Incomplete (I) for the course, and you will need to make up the missed exam by the deadline set by the University. I will drop some low homework grades, which should take care of any missed assignments.

Internet: Information about this course is posted on my web page (not on Blackboard). Go to my home page http://www.people.vcu.edu/~rhammack/ and click on "Schedule" and then "Math 602." There you will find the syllabus, a calendar, homework assignments, and other materials.

Office: Please feel free to stop by my office whenever you have a question, or if you just want to chat. If my posted hours are inconvenient, I will be happy to schedule an appointment. Tell me if you are having trouble. Catching up can be very difficult once you get behind, so let me know as soon as you think there is a problem.

Exercises: For each chapter we cover, you should work as many of the exercises as possible for practice. Many of these problems will be used for the midterm and final exam. Ask me if you have questions about unassigned problems.

Accommodations: Any student eligible for and needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a disability should contact me within the first week of class.