MATH 525 |
Spring 2016 |
TR 2:00–3:15
Harris 4145 |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Richard Hammack |
Office: Harris Hall 4166 |
Work: 804-828-6237 |
Office hours: |
Home: 804-355-3963 |
Tuesday, Thursday 9:30–10:30, Wednesday, 12:00–1:30 |
E-mail: rhammack@vcu.edu |
and by appointment. |
Web page: www.people.vcu.edu/~rhammack/ |
PREREQUISITES: Math 300 or MATH 211 |
TEXTBOOK: Introductory Combinatorics, Third Edition, by Richard Brualdi, ISBN: 0-13-181488-5 |
Combinatorics is the mathematics of counting and enumeration. It is typically concerned with finite or discrete mathematical structures (unlike calculus, which deals with the infinite). This class is an introduction to some of the main ideas of combinatorics: counting methods, binomial theorems, permutations and combinations, recurrence relations, generating functions, and basic graph theory.
This course assumes that you have a solid working knowledge of the topics in VCU's MATH 300, including sets, set operations, logic, methods of proof (including induction), methods of disproof, relations and functions.
Your grade will be determined by two tests, weekly homework assignments and a final exam. Details follow. |
- Tests: There are two tests, each closed book. Tests are written under the assumption that you are studying the material AT LEAST 6 hours per week outside
of class.
- Assignments: Weekly written assignments are collected, graded and returned.
- Papers are collected at the beginning of class on appointed days.
- Papers submitted after the beginning of class may not be graded.
- If you must miss class when an assignment is due, please give it to me early or have a classmate turn it in for you.
- You may email an assignment to me, but it must arrive in my inbox no later than the beginning of class on the day it is due. I sometimes don't print emailed assignments, so you may not get any written feedback from me. If the scan or photo is of poor quality I will not be able to grade it.
- Exceptionally sloppy or disorganized work is not graded.
- I encourage you to work together, though the work you turn
in must be your own.
- Resist the temptation to hunt for solutions on line. I do not grade work that I recognize as copied.
- In addition to the work you hand in, you should work lots of extra
problems for practice.
- Some assigned problems are intended to make you think about ideas not discussed
in class.
- Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative, covering all material discussed in class. It is scheduled for Thursday May 12, 8:00–10:50 am, in our usual classroom.
The exam is written under the
assumption that you have been studying the material AT LEAST 6 hours per week outside
of class for the entire semester.
- Dropped Scores: A small number of low homework grades will be dropped.
The 10-point grading scale is used:
A: |
90–100 |
B: |
80–89 |
C: |
70–79 |
D: |
60–69 |
F: |
0–59 |
Your final average will be computed as follows:
Test 1: |
25% |
Test 2: |
25% |
Homework: |
25% |
Final Exam grade: |
25% |
Total: |
100% |
- Attendance:
Attendance is not taken. You are responsible for all material covered in class.
- Etiquette: Put away all phones for the entire duration of class. Please do not text in class or leave to take a call.
You are expected to be connected with the course and course material. All devices not related to coursework (iPods, laptops, etc.) are to be turned off and put away for the entire duration of class.
- Make-up work:
A make-up test can be arranged in the event of a documented illness or emergency.
The final exam cannot be given early. If you miss the final exam because of a documented illness or emergency, then I can give you a grade of incomplete (I) for the course and you will have to make up the final exam by the date set by the University.
- Honor System:
Any instance of cheating on tests and exams is considered an honor offence and is dealt with according to University policy.
- You are expected to work lots of extra problems for practice.
LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW: Friday March 25 |