Mathematicians often communicate their ideas by
speaking in or attending seminar or colloquium talks. (Seminar
talks tend to be focused to specialists, while colloquium talks
are accessible to a wider audience.) Generally these talks are
about an hour long. VCU offers a great variety of seminars and
colloquia. In MATH 490, you are encouraged to attend as many of
these talks as you can. You are required to write a brief report
on two talks that you have attended.
Writing a colloquium report is simple, especially if you choose a colloquium talk that you have a special interest in. This is easier if plan ahead. If you wait until too late in the semester, there will be few appropriate colloquia to attend. It is an unfortunate fact that many seminars and colloquia are really bad. Other seminars and colloquia may be good, but too advanced for your level. You may end up attending a number of events before finding one that's suitable. The following guidelines may give you an idea of how to write a report.
LINKS Here are links to VCU's mathematics colloquia and seminars. I will also post any additional math talks or events that occur during the semester.